
Archives / 2005 / June
  • My Wix Journey - Day 29 @ 12:42pm EDT

    One more complaint about Windows Installer DLL Custom Actions.  If an entry point is not found, then Windows Installer generates a generic error, 1723.  This is pretty much the same error for any problem running the DLL.  As it's pretty simple for the Windows Installer team to know if the dll entry point wasn't found, why couldn't they generate a more explicit error message, or even log more detailed information in the MSI log?

  • My Wix Journey - Day 16 @ 9:26pm EDT

    Despite the lack of blog posts, I've really been immersed in WiX.  I'm learning to love and hate this project.  I really love the XML declarative style of creating MSIs.  I really hate the fact that WiX wraps the abomination known as Windows installer. 

  • My Wix Journey - Day 7 @ 8:43pm EDT

    WiX has a Visual Studio Plugin codename 'Votive'.  This project enables you to edit WiX scripts from within the Visual Studio IDE.  It's rather convenient to click "Build" from within Visual Studio.  The best part of Votive is that you don't need to author build scripts to get an .msi file from WiX.  Just build the project, and you are on your way.

  • My Wix Journey - Day 3 @ 10:54pm EDT

    I had planned a post on how to extract Installshield Dialogs from an existing setup, for use with WiX, but I'll have to postpone that entry.  I had an unscheduled event take up most of my day.

  • My Wix Journey - Day 1 @ 3:23pm EDT

    I'm about to begin what I'll call the "Journey of WiX".  My intent is to chronicle my story during the next month. I will be converting a rather complicated InstallShield setup to a WiX based setup.  I'll share my trials and tribulations, along with my successes, for the next month of this project.