A site you don't own has nothing to do with free speech

I find it pretty funny that George Michael shut down his forum because people were being negative toward him. I heard his latest single on DirecTV's dance channel it's weak.

But what gets me is these clowns that post something about free speech or what their rights are. Got news for you, kiddies, if you don't own it, you're not entitled to anything. If the owner doesn't like you coming into his house and pissing on his rug (”It really tied the room together”), he has the right to boot your ass to the curb. If you want to exercise your free speech, start your own forum and cry about it to someone else that cares.

I used to get this all of the time on CoasterBuzz, back when the idea of a moderated forum seemed to offend every other person. It was rare that we deleted anything at all unless it was unreadable chat shorthand, but the way some people would tell it we were instituting some kind of fascist regime. In the long term we found that moderation and some respect for grammar attracted more people than it turned off. There are still crybabies that cry about it on Usenet.

Yet another thing that makes you realize just how much the Internet is a part of our culture.

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