• Jesus love him too, you should be the best writer ever can you give the list of tech Book you have published please.

  • Great idea. Lets fire anybody who ever made a mistake. That would leave exactly zero people with jobs.

  • All that anger...

    You against the world eh?

  • The thing about firing people for single mistakes is that you usually end up firing a scapegoat who is less able to engage in the political wranglings.

    I almost always share Jeff's feeling about the things he posts.
    I understand the pain, but I disagree with the specific example used here.

    While it is surely related to the specific things I search for in the doc, I find that this entry is average or above average in terms of content.
    Unlike many entries I have come across, it has clearly had some human intervention rather than just being generated/inferred from the method name and signature. (I find the naming of things good enough that most of the time the little extra bit from the xml comments is redundant)

    It says that "This code example is part of a larger example provided for the DataSourceView class". I think there should be a link right there in that sentence to that larger sample. Yes, even if it is the just back to the DataSourceView class page), it would put those snippets into a logical context.
    I do not think that an example using sql would be any better if it was not in the context of a larger sample.

    I have submitted small corrections to Msdn before and will do so in the future if I spot errors.
    If I have to build up a prototype (which the client is paying for) to figure out how to use an API, that is ok.
    To think that I would take the personal time to take the code (is it the client's code?) and reduce it to an instructional example is not very realistic.
    If I the client wanted it and would be willing to pay me to do it, I would be glad to do it; but they aren't, so I won't.

  • Granted - the approach of "calling" for a firing may be a bit abrasive (though I suspect the author meant it to be exaggerated), the point should be well taken. Almost all of us are "new" at something as we extend ourselves into new areas, and have to dig into MSDN docs and can be frustrating. My first stop is often Google and not MSDN simply because I suspect that what I'll find in MSDN docs is a statement of the obvious, and not deeper knowledge such as performance related details.

    But what really steams me about this community is the hostility and elitism, and "titles" such as MVP don't help - how about titles such as MHP - Most Helpful Person?

  • "I suspect that what I'll find in MSDN docs is a statement of the obvious, and not deeper knowledge "

    Me too.

  • Fired might be a bit extreme...how about flogged.

  • MSDN....Their examples are wierd.

    I am very new to dot net. everytime i check the msdn for some help, it leaves me even more confused.

    I'd rather google.

  • Yes, I also usually google first.
    And I also "get it."

    As well as having a valid point, this original blog post was just a way of venting. You don't have to take expressive titles literally.

  • Seems like people got a little over-reactionary. Sometimes people have strong opinions, and when they are irritated, they say them in a strong manner. It's their opinion.

    I'd better not post the link to my blog, if you think Jeff is a cranky person...

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