Protocol Buffers: Google vs. XML

"Google (or at least some part of it) has now weighed in on the whole XML discussion with the recent release of their "Protocol Buffers" implementation, and, quite naturally, the debates have begun, with all the carefully-weighed logic, respectful discourse, and reasoned analysis that we've come to expect and enjoy from this industry.

Yeah, right.

Anyway, without trying to take sides either way in this debate--yes, the punchline is that I believe in a world where both XML and Protocol Buffers are useful--I thought I'd weigh in on some of the aspects about PBs that are interesting/disturbing, but more importantly, try to frame some of the debate and discussions around these two topics in a vain attempt to wring some coherency and sanity out of what will likely turn into a large shouting match.

For starters, let's take a quick look at how PBs work..."

Great post by Ted Neward examining Google's new Protocol Buffers spec:

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