Set up a SSL certificate for your development IIS instance
Ever needed to capture sensitive information in your web app? If so, then you'd be planning your production environment for a SSL certificate. But what about your dev or test environments?
There's a very easy way of achieving this; the IIS6 resource kit !
The IIS6 resource supplies a program called SelfSSL. With this, you can create and install a self-signed certificate as easy as 1-2-3.
1) Download the IIS6 Resource Kit and install it.
2) Click Start -> All Programs -> IIS Resources -> SelfSSL -> SelfSSL
3) Type "selfssl /T" (no quotes) and press "y" when prompted.
The only downside of this is that your browser will pester you that the certificate is not from a trusted authority. But, don't fret because the connection will still be secured...