WQL / Reflection DataProviders for ADO.NET

WQL DataProvider for ADO.NET WQL DataProvider is an ADO.Net data provider, so you can use it just like usual MS SQL DataProvider, but for WQL (WMI + SQL = WQL). This DataProvider supports SELECT, ASSOCIATORS and REFERENCES queries. Doesn't support event queries. [Via The Code Project Latest Articles]
Having written a custom ADO.NET data provider before, I'm appreciative of the amount of work that this entails. Downloading just the source didn't go smoothly for me, but the dependencies were in the demo project so I can't complain. I didn't see the actual code for WQLDataProvider.dll in the project, but that's what Reflector's for. And if you just want to use it and don't care about the code, use the DLL and you're set.

This allows you to databind against Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), which employs a SQL like syntax to query systems, applications, networks, devices, and other managed components. The project includes a functional WMI Query Analyzer.

And while I'm at it, if you haven't seen Matthew MacDonald's article on Creating a Custom ADO.NET Provider, it's worth a look. The cool thing about the article is his sample - he implements a Reflection Data Provider [source]. Cool idea. I tested it out by databinding on the types and members of the Reflection Data Provider itself. Talk about dogfooding...

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