[OT] Torture Tapes podcast feed

I was looking around for the Most Unwanted Song since I seem to have lost my copy. This song was scientifically designed to be liked by "fewer than 200 individuals of the world's total population", and oddly enough I'm one of them. They conducted surveys on least liked themes and instrumentation, then comissioned a song full of rapping over tubas, operatic interludes about the cowboy life, and children's choirs singing about politics, religion, holidays, and advertising. Wonderful.

I found it, and in doing so stumbled upon a cruel audio battle - the Torture Tapes [warning - gratuitous cussing and generally poor sentence structure]. Two guys in a no holds barred auditory grudge match: "
Survive a full waking day (roughly 18 hours) of an opponent’s battle mix. Pure hate drives the competition. There are no true breaks from the sonic storm."

MP3 links are included at the bottom of the page, but that's what MFeeds is for. Here's the Torture Tapes podcast link.

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