[fix] DotNetNuke SolPart menu positioning fix for Firefox
The admin dropdown menus in our DNN 3.1.1 sites haven't been working in FireFox - they show up in the upper left hand corner of the screen (absolutely positioned at 0,0). A javascript change (in spmenu.js) fixed it for us.
I'm not sure if this somehow works for everyone else, or if DNN people don't use FireFox, or what. I checked the latest release (3.2 / 4.2) and they don't appear to have this fix, so here it is. I'm going to submit it as a bug and suggested fix to the DNN forums, too.
The problem is setting positions via javascript DOM manipulation without specifying the units:
oMenu.style.top = 100 + 'px'; //good - units specified
The best I can tell, the units should be required, so FireFox is being correct in ignoring the improper settings. Anyhow, here's my altered spmenu.js. Of course, the original copyright applies, this is just a patch fix.
// Solution Partner's ASP.NET Hierarchical Menu Control //
// Copyright (c) 2002-2005 //
// Jon Henning - Solution Partner's Inc //
// jhenning@solpart.com - http://www.solpart.com //
// Compatible Menu Version: <Min: 1400> //
// <Max:> //
// <Script Version: 1610> //
var m_oSolpartMenu;
if (m_oSolpartMenu == null)
m_oSolpartMenu = new Array(); //stores all menu objects (SolpartMenu) in array
var m_spm_sBrowser;
var m_spm_sVersion;
function spm_initMyMenu(oXML, oCtl) //Creates SolpartMenu object and calls generate method
m_oSolpartMenu[oCtl.id] = new SolpartMenu(oCtl);
//------- Constructor -------//
function SolpartMenu(o)
__db(o.id + ' - constructor');
// var me = this; //allow attached events to reference this
//--- Data Properties ---//
this.systemImagesPath=spm_getAttr(o, 'SysImgPath', '');
this.iconImagesPath=spm_getAttr(o, 'IconImgPath', this.systemImagesPath);
this.xml = spm_getAttr(o, 'XML', '');
this.xmlFileName = spm_getAttr(o, 'XMLFileName', '');
//--- Appearance Properties ---//
this.fontStyle=spm_getAttr(o, 'FontStyle', 'font-family: arial;');
this.backColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'BackColor');
this.foreColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'ForeColor');
this.iconBackColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'IconBackColor');
this.hlColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'HlColor', '');
this.shColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'ShColor', '');
this.selColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'SelColor');
this.selForeColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'SelForeColor');
this.selBorderColor=spm_getAttr(o, 'SelBorderColor');
this.menuAlignment = spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuAlignment', 'Left');
this.display=spm_getAttr(o, 'Display', 'horizontal');
this.MBLeftHTML=spm_getAttr(o, 'MBLHTML', '');
this.MBRightHTML=spm_getAttr(o, 'MBRHTML', '');
this.rootArrow = spm_getAttr(o, 'RootArrow', '0');
this.rootArrowImage = spm_getAttr(o, 'RootArrowImage', '');
this.arrowImage = spm_getAttr(o, 'ArrowImage', '');
this.backImage=spm_getAttr(o, 'BackImage', '');
this.supportsTransitions = spm_getAttr(o, 'SupportsTrans', '0');
//--- Transition Properteis ---//
//this.menuEffectsStyle=spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuEffectsStyle', '');
this.menuTransitionLength=spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuTransitionLength', .3);
this.menuTransition=spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuTransition', 'None');
this.menuTransitionStyle=spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuTransitionStyle', '');
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject = new SolpartMenuTransitionObject();
//--- Behavior Properteis ---//
this.moveable = spm_getAttr(o, 'Moveable', '0');
this.moDisplay=spm_getAttr(o, 'MODisplay', 'HighLight');
this.moExpand=spm_getAttr(o, 'MOExpand', "-1");
this.moutDelay=spm_getAttr(o, 'MOutDelay', "0");
this.minDelay=spm_getAttr(o, 'MInDelay', "0");
if (spm_browserType() == 'safari') //safari has issues with mouseoutdelay...
this.moutDelay = 5000;
this.target=spm_getAttr(o, 'target', "");
this.moScroll=spm_getAttr(o, 'MOScroll', "-1");
//--- Sizing Properties ---//
this.menuBarHeight=spm_fixUnit(spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuBarHeight', '0'));
this.menuItemHeight=spm_fixUnit(spm_getAttr(o, 'MenuItemHeight', '0'));
this.iconWidth=spm_fixUnit(spm_getAttr(o, 'IconWidth', '0'));
this.borderWidth=spm_getAttr(o, 'BorderWidth', '1');
//--- CSS Properties ---//
this.cssMenuContainer=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuContainer', '');
this.cssMenuBar=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuBar', '');
this.cssMenuItem=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuItem', '');
this.cssMenuIcon=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuIcon', '');
this.cssSubMenu=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSSubMenu', '');
this.cssMenuBreak=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuBreak', '');
this.cssMenuItemSel=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuItemSel', '');
this.cssMenuArrow=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSMenuArrow', '');
this.cssMenuRootArrow=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSRootMenuArw', '');
this.cssMenuScrollItem=spm_getAttr(o, 'CSSScrollItem', '');
//for right to left (rtl) menus
this.direction = spm_getCurrentStyle(document.body, 'direction');
this.useIFrames=(spm_getAttr(o, 'useIFrames', '1') != '0' && spm_supportsIFrameTrick());
this.delaySubmenuLoad=(spm_getAttr(o, 'delaySubmenuLoad', '0') != '0' && spm_needsSubMenuDelay());
//---- methods ---//
//----- private ----//
this._m_sNSpace = o.id; //stores namespace for menu
this._m_sOuterTables = ''; //stores HTML for sub menus
this._m_oDOM; //stores XML DOM object
this._m_oMenu = o; //stores container
this._m_oMenuMove; //stores control that is used for moving menu
this._m_oTblMenuBar; //stores menu container
this._m_aOpenMenuID = new Array(); //stores list of menus that are currently displayed
this._m_bMoving=false; //flag to determine menu is being dragged
this._m_dHideTimer = null; //used to time when mouse out occured to auto hide menu based on mouseoutdelay
this._m_oScrollingMenu = null; //used in scrolling menu on mouse over
//--- Exposed Events ---//
this.onMenuComplete=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuComplete', null); //fires once menu is done loading
this.onMenuBarClick=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuBarClick', null); //fires once menu bar is clicked
this.onMenuItemClick=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuItemClick', null); //fires once menu item is clicked
this.onMenuBarMouseOver=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuBarMouseOver', null); //fires once mouse moves over menu bar
this.onMenuBarMouseOut=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuBarMouseOut', null); //fires once mouse moves out of menu bar
this.onMenuItemMouseOver=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuItemMouseOver', null); //fires once mouse moves over menu item
this.onMenuItemMouseOut=spm_getAttr(o, 'OnMenuItemMouseOut', null); //fires once mouse moves out of menu bar
//--- Menu Moving currently disabled ---//
this.menuhook_MouseMove=function(e) {me._menuhook_MouseMove(e);};
this.menuhook_MouseDown=function(e) {me._menuhook_MouseDown(e);};
this.menuhook_MouseUp=function(e) {me._menuhook_MouseUp(e);};
this.document_MouseMove=function(e) {me._document_MouseMove(e);};
this.document_MouseDown=function(e) {me._document_MouseDown(e);};
this.menuhook_MouseUp=function(e) {me._menuhook_MouseUp(e);};
this.bodyclick=function() {me._bodyclick();};
__db(this._m_oMenu.id + ' - constructor end');
//--- Destroys interrnal object references ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.destroy = function ()
this.systemImagesPath = null;
this.iconImagesPath = null;
this.xml = null;
this.xmlFileName = null;
//--- Appearance Properties ---//
this.fontStyle = null;
this.backColor = null;
this.foreColor = null;
this.iconBackColor = null;
this.hlColor = null;
this.shColor = null;
this.selColor = null;
this.selForeColor = null;
this.selBorderColor = null;
this.menuAlignment = null;
this.display = null;
this.rootArrow = null;
this.rootArrowImage = null;
this.arrowImage = null;
this.backImage = null;
//--- Transition Properteis ---//
//this.menuEffectsStyle = null;
this.menuTransitionLength = null;
this.menuTransition = null;
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject = null;
//--- Behavior Properteis ---//
this.moveable = null;
this.moDisplay = null;
this.moExpand = null;
this.moutDelay = null;
//--- Sizing Properties ---//
this.menuBarHeight = null;
this.menuItemHeight = null;
this.iconWidth = null;
this.borderWidth = null;
//--- CSS Properties ---//
this.cssMenuContainer = null;
this.cssMenuBar = null;
this.cssMenuItem = null;
this.cssMenuIcon = null;
this.cssSubMenu = null;
this.cssMenuBreak = null;
this.cssMenuItemSel = null;
this.cssMenuArrow = null;
this.cssMenuRootArrow = null;
//---- methods ---//
//this.GenerateMenuHTML=__GenerateMenuHTML = null;
//----- private ----//
m_oSolpartMenu[this._m_sNSpace] = null;
this._m_sNSpace = null; //stores namespace for menu
this._m_sOuterTables = null; //stores HTML for sub menus
this._m_oDOM = null; //stores XML DOM object
this._m_oMenu = null; //stores container
this._m_oMenuMove = null; //stores control that is used for moving menu
this._m_oTblMenuBar = null; //stores menu container
this._m_aOpenMenuID = null; //stores list of menus that are currently displayed
this._m_bMoving = null; //flag to determine menu is being dragged
this._m_dHideTimer = null; //used to time when mouse out occured to auto hide menu based on mouseoutdelay
this._m_oScrollingMenu = null; //used in scrolling menu on mouse over
//--- static/shared members ---//
//--- xml document loaded (non-dataisland) ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onXMLLoad = function ()
//--- Generates menu HTML through passed in XML DOM ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.GenerateMenuHTML = function (oXML)
__db(this._m_oMenu.id + ' - GenerateMenuHTML');
//'Generates the main menu bar
var sHTML = '';
this._m_sOuterTables = '';
//this._m_oMenu.insertAdjacentElement('beforeBegin', );
//if (oXML.readyState != 'complete')
// return;
if (oXML == null)
if (this._m_oDOM == null)
oXML = spm_createDOMDoc();//document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
this._m_oDOM = oXML;
if (this.xml.length)
if (this.xmlFileName.length)
oXML.onload = eval('onxmlload' + this._m_sNSpace); //'m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].onXMLLoad'; this.onXMLLoad;
return; //async load
this._m_oDOM = oXML;
if (this.display == "vertical")
sHTML += '<table ID="tbl' + this._m_sNSpace + 'MenuBar" CELLPADDING=\'0\' CELLSPACING=\'0\' BORDER="0" CLASS="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbctr') + this.cssMenuContainer) + '" HEIGHT="100%" STYLE="vertical-align: center;">\n'; //removed position: relative; for IE and display: block; for Opera
sHTML += MyIIf(this.MBLeftHTML.length, '<tr>\n <td>' + this.MBLeftHTML + '</td>\n</tr>\n', '');
sHTML += MyIIf(Number(this.moveable), '<tr>\n <td ID="td' + this._m_sNSpace + 'MenuMove" height=\'3px\' style=\'cursor: move; ' + spm_getMenuBorderStyle(this) + '\'>' + spm_getSpacer(this) + '</td>\n</tr>\n', '');
sHTML += this.GetMenuItems(this._m_oDOM.documentElement);
sHTML += ' <tr><td HEIGHT="100%">' + spm_getSpacer(this) + '</td>\n' ;
sHTML += ' </tr>\n';
sHTML += MyIIf(this.MBRightHTML.length, '<tr>\n <td>' + this.MBRightHTML + '</td>\n</tr>\n', '');
sHTML += '</table>\n';
sHTML += '<table ID="tbl' + this._m_sNSpace + 'MenuBar" CELLPADDING=\'0\' CELLSPACING=\'0\' BORDER="0" CLASS="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbctr') + this.cssMenuContainer) + '" WIDTH="100%" STYLE="vertical-align: center; ">\n'; //removed position: relative; for IE and display: block; for Opera
sHTML += ' <tr>\n';
sHTML += MyIIf(this.MBLeftHTML.length, '<td>' + this.MBLeftHTML + '</td>\n', '');
sHTML += MyIIf(Number(this.moveable), ' <td ID="td' + this._m_sNSpace + 'MenuMove" width=\'3px\' style=\'cursor: move; ' + spm_getMenuBorderStyle(this) + '\'>' + spm_getSpacer(this) + '</td>\n', '');
sHTML += spm_getMenuSpacingImage('left', this);
sHTML += this.GetMenuItems(this._m_oDOM.documentElement);
sHTML += spm_getMenuSpacingImage('right', this);
sHTML += MyIIf(this.MBRightHTML.length, '<td>' + this.MBRightHTML + '</td>\n', '');
sHTML += ' </tr>\n';
sHTML += '</table>\n';
if (spm_browserType() == 'op')
this._m_oMenu.innerHTML = sHTML;
var oDiv = document.createElement('div');
oDiv.innerHTML = this._m_sOuterTables;
//sHTML = '<SPAN>' + this._m_sOuterTables + '</SPAN>' + sHTML;
//this._m_sOuterTables = '';
this._m_oMenu.innerHTML = sHTML;
//this._m_oMenu.style.height = '100%';
this._m_oMenuMove = spm_getById('td' + this._m_sNSpace + 'MenuMove');
//--- attach events for menu moving ---//
if (Number(this.moveable))
var oCtl = this._m_oMenuMove; //this._m_oMenu
oCtl.onmousedown = this.menuhook_MouseDown;
oCtl.onmouseup = this.menuhook_MouseUp;
oCtl.onmousemove = this.menuhook_MouseMove;
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
document.onmousemove = this.document_MouseMove;
document.onmousedown = this.document_MouseDown;
//spm_getTags("BODY")[0].onclick = this.bodyclick;
spm_getTags("BODY")[0].attachEvent('onclick', this.bodyclick);
window.addEventListener("click", this.bodyclick, true);
window.addEventListener("mousemove", this.document_MouseMove, true);
window.addEventListener("mousedown", this.document_MouseDown, true);
window.addEventListener("mouseup", this.document_MouseUp, true);
//if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
spm_getTags("BODY")[0].onclick = spm_appendFunction(spm_getTags("BODY")[0].onclick, 'm_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].bodyclick();'); //document.body.onclick = this.bodyclick;
// window.addEventListener("click", this.bodyclick, true);
this._m_oTblMenuBar = spm_getById('tbl' + this._m_sNSpace + 'MenuBar'); //this._m_oMenu
__db(this._m_oMenu.id + ' - GenerateMenuHTML end');
SolpartMenu.prototype.GenerateSubMenus = function (oXML)
if (this._m_sOuterTables.length > 0)
var oDiv = spm_getById(this._m_sNSpace + '_divOuterTables');
if (oDiv == null)
alert('It appears that your menu dll is out of sync with your script file.');
if (this.delaySubmenuLoad != '0' && document.readyState != 'complete')
oDiv.innerHTML = this._m_sOuterTables;
this._m_sOuterTables = '';
function spm_getMenuBarEvents(sCtl)
return 'onmouseover="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBMO(this);" onmouseout="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBMOUT(this);" onclick="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBC(this, event);" onmousedown="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBMD(this);" onmouseup="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBMU(this);"';
function spm_getMenuItemEvents(sCtl)
return 'onmouseover="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBIMO(this);" onmouseout="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBIMOUT(this);" onclick="m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + sCtl + '\'].onMBIC(this, event);"';
//--- Returns HTML for menu items (recursive function) ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.GetMenuItems = function (oParent)
var oNode;
var sHTML = '';
var sID;
var sParentID;
var sClickAction;
for (var i = 0; i < oParent.childNodes.length; i++)
oNode = oParent.childNodes[i];
if (oNode.nodeType != 3 && oNode.nodeType != 8) //exclude nodeType of Text (Netscape/Mozilla) issue!
//'determine if root level item and set parent id accordingly
if (oNode.parentNode.nodeName != "menuitem")
sParentID = "-1";
sParentID = oNode.parentNode.getAttribute("id");
if (oNode.nodeName == "menuitem")
sID = oNode.getAttribute("id");
sID = "";
__db(sID + ' getmenuitems');
sClickAction = spm_getMenuClickAction(oNode, this);
if (sParentID == "-1") //'if top level menu item
if (this.display == "vertical")
sHTML += "<tr>\n"; //'if vertical display then add rows for each top menuitem
if (oNode.nodeName == 'menubreak')
if (this.display == "vertical")
sHTML += "<tr>\n"; //'if vertical display then add rows for each top menuitem
var sBreakHTML = spm_getAttr(oNode, 'lefthtml', '') + spm_getAttr(oNode, 'righthtml', '');
if (sBreakHTML.length > 0)
sHTML += ' <td class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbrk') + this.cssMenuBreak) + '">' + sBreakHTML + '</td>\n';
sHTML += ' <td class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbrk') + this.cssMenuBreak) + '">' + spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', this, true, ' ') + '</td>\n';
// sHTML += ' <td style="height: 1px" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmicn') + this.cssMenuIcon) + '">' + spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', this, true, ' ') + '</td>\n<td colspan="2" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbrk') + this.cssMenuBreak) + '">' + spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', this, true, ' ') + '</td>\n';
if (this.display == "vertical")
sHTML += "</tr>\n";
sHTML += '<td>\n<table width="100%" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" border="0">\n<tr id="td' + this._m_sNSpace + sID + '" ' + spm_getMenuBarEvents(this._m_sNSpace) + ' class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbar spmitm') + this.cssMenuBar + ' ' + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode)) + '" savecss="' + spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode) + '" saveselcss="' + spm_getMenuItemSelCSS(oNode) + '" menuclick="' + sClickAction + '" style="' + spm_getMenuItemStyle('item', oNode) + '">\n';
var sAlign = this.display=='vertical' ? 'align="' + this.menuAlignment + '"' : '';
sHTML += '<td unselectable="on" NOWRAP="NOWRAP" ' + sAlign + ' TITLE="' + spm_getAttr(oNode, 'tooltip', '') + '">' + spm_getImage(oNode, this) + spm_getItemHTML(oNode, 'left', ' ') + spm_getAttr(oNode, 'title', '') + spm_getItemHTML(oNode, 'right') + MyIIf(Number(this.rootArrow) && spm_nodeHasChildren(oNode), '</td>\n<td align="right" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmrarw') + this.cssMenuRootArrow) + '">' + spm_getArrow(this.rootArrowImage, this) + "", ' ') + '\n</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</td>\n';
if (this.display == "vertical")
sHTML += "</tr>\n";
else //'submenu - not top level menu item
case "menuitem":
sHTML += ' <tr ID="tr' + this._m_sNSpace + sID + '" ' + spm_getMenuItemEvents(this._m_sNSpace) + ' parentID="' + sParentID + '" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitm') + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode)) + '" savecss="' + spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode) + '" saveselcss="' + spm_getMenuItemSelCSS(oNode) + '" menuclick="' + sClickAction + '" style="' + spm_getMenuItemStyle('item', oNode) + '">\n';
sHTML += ' <td unselectable="on" id="icon' + this._m_sNSpace + sID + '" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmicn') + this.cssMenuIcon) + '" style="' + spm_getMenuItemStyle('image', oNode) + '; ' + spm_getMenuItemStyle('item', oNode) + '">' + spm_getImage(oNode, this) + '</td>\n';
sHTML += ' <td unselectable="on" id="td' + this._m_sNSpace + sID + '" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitm') + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode)) + '" savecss="' + spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode) + '" NOWRAP="NOWRAP" TITLE="' + spm_getAttr(oNode, 'tooltip', '') + '" style="' + spm_getMenuItemStyle('item', oNode) + '">' + spm_getItemHTML(oNode, 'left', '') + spm_getAttr(oNode, 'title', '') + spm_getItemHTML(oNode, 'right', '') + '</td>\n';
sHTML += ' <td unselectable="on" id="arrow' + this._m_sNSpace + sID + '" width="15px" CLASS="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmarw') + this.cssMenuArrow) + '" style="' + spm_getMenuItemStyle('item', oNode) + '">' + MyIIf(spm_nodeHasChildren(oNode), spm_getArrow(this.arrowImage, this), spm_getSpacer(this)) + '</td>\n';
sHTML += ' </tr>\n';
case "menubreak":
var sBreakHTML = spm_getAttr(oNode, 'lefthtml', '') + spm_getAttr(oNode, 'righthtml', '');
if (sBreakHTML.length > 0)
sHTML += ' <tr><td colspan="3" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbrk') + this.cssMenuBreak) + '">' + sBreakHTML + '</td>\n</tr>\n';
sHTML += ' <tr>\n<td style="height: 1px" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmicn') + this.cssMenuIcon) + '">' + spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', this, true, ' ') + '</td>\n<td colspan="2" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbrk') + this.cssMenuBreak) + '">' + spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', this, true, ' ') + '</td>\n</tr>\n';
//'Generate sub menu - note: we are recursively calling ourself
//'netscape renders tables with display: block as having cellpadding!!! therefore using div outside table - LAME!
if (oNode.childNodes.length > 0)
var sTag = 'DIV';
var sStyle = '';
if (spm_isMac('ie'))
sTag = 'P';
sStyle = 'margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px;'
this._m_sOuterTables = '\n<' + sTag + ' ID="tbl' + this._m_sNSpace + sID + '" CLASS="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmsub') + this.cssSubMenu) + '" STYLE="display:none; position: absolute;' + sStyle + this.menuTransitionStyle + '">\n<table CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" BORDER="0">\n' + this.GetMenuItems(oNode) + '\n</table>\n</' + sTag + '>\n' + this._m_sOuterTables;
return sHTML;
//--------------- Event Functions ---------------//
//--- menubar click event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBC = function (e, evt)
var oCell = e; //event.srcElement;
var sID = oCell.id.substr(2);
var oMenu = spm_getById("tbl" + sID);
//var oMenu = spm_getById("td" + sID);
if (oMenu != null)
this.hideAllMenus(); //mindelay mod
if (oMenu.style.display == '')
if (this.useIFrames)
spm_iFrameIndex(oMenu, false, this.systemImagesPath);
spm_positionMenu(this, oMenu, oCell);
oMenu.style.display = "";
this._m_aOpenMenuID[0] = sID;
if (this.useIFrames)
spm_iFrameIndex(oMenu, true, this.systemImagesPath);
this.fireEvent('onMenuBarClick', oCell);
oMenu = spm_getById("td" + sID);
if (spm_getAttr(oMenu, "menuclick", '').length)
eval(spm_getAttr(oMenu, "menuclick", ''));
//--- menubar mousedown event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBMD = function (e)
var oCell = e; //event.srcElement;
this.applyBorder(oCell, 1, this.shColor, this.hlColor);
//--- menubar mouseup event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBMU = function (e)
var oCell = e; //event.srcElement;
this.applyBorder(oCell, 1, this.hlColor, this.shColor);
//--- menubar mouseover event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBMO = function (e, bBypassDelay)
var oCell = e; //event.srcElement;
if (oCell.id.length == 0) //cancelBubble
var sID = oCell.id.substr(2);
var oMenu = spm_getById("tbl" + sID);
if (this._m_aOpenMenuID.length || this.moExpand != '0')
if (this.minDelay != 0 && bBypassDelay != true)
if (this.minDelayTimer != null)
this.minDelayType = 'root';
this.minDelayObj = e;
this.minDelayTimer = setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].mouseInDelayHandler()', this.minDelay);
//--- if menu is shown then mouseover triggers the showing of all menus ---//
if (oMenu != null)
spm_positionMenu(this, oMenu, oCell);
oMenu.style.display = "";
this._m_aOpenMenuID[0] = sID;
if (this.useIFrames)
spm_iFrameIndex(oMenu, true, this.systemImagesPath);
this.applyBorder(oCell, 1, this.shColor, this.hlColor);
this.applyBorder(oCell, 1, this.hlColor, this.shColor);
oCell.className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitmsel spmbar') + this.cssMenuBar + ' ' + this.cssMenuItemSel + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oCell, 'saveselcss', '') + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oCell, 'savecss', ''));
this._m_dHideTimer = null;
this.fireEvent('onMenuBarMouseOver', oCell);
//--- menubar mouseout event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBMOUT = function (e)
var oCell = e; //event.srcElement;
var sID = oCell.id.substr(2);
this.applyBorder(oCell, 1, spm_getCellBackColor(oCell), spm_getCellBackColor(oCell), "none");
this._m_dHideTimer = new Date();
if (this.moutDelay != 0)
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].hideMenuTime()', this.moutDelay);
oCell.className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbar spmitm') + this.cssMenuBar + ' ' + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getAttr(e, 'savecss', ''));
this.minDelayType = null;
this.fireEvent('onMenuBarMouseOut', oCell);
//--- menuitem click ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBIC = function (e, evt)
var oRow = spm_getSourceTR(e, this._m_sNSpace); //event.srcElement
var sID = oRow.id.substr(2);
if (spm_itemHasChildren(sID, this._m_sNSpace) == false)
this.fireEvent('onMenuItemClick', oRow);
if (spm_getAttr(oRow, "menuclick", '').length)
eval(spm_getAttr(oRow, "menuclick", ''));
//window.event.cancelBubble = true;
this.handlembi_mo(oRow, true);
//--- menuitem mouseover event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBIMO = function (e)
this.handlembi_mo(spm_getSourceTR(e, this._m_sNSpace)); //event.srcElement
this._m_dHideTimer = null;
//--- menuitem mouseout event ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.onMBIMOUT = function (e)
this.handlembi_mout(spm_getSourceTR(e, this._m_sNSpace)); //event.srcElement
this._m_dHideTimer = new Date;
//setTimeout(this.hideMenuTime, this.moutDelay);
if (this.moutDelay != 0)
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].hideMenuTime()', this.moutDelay);
this.minDelayType = null;
function menuhook_KeyPress()
//not yet
function menuhook_KeyDown()
//not yet
function menuhook_MenuFocus()
var tbl = event.srcElement;
function __menuhook_MouseMove(e)
var iNewLeft=0, iNewTop = 0
if (this._m_bMoving)
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
// if ((event.button==1))
// {
if (this._m_oTblMenuBar.startLeft == null)
this._m_oTblMenuBar.startLeft = this._m_oTblMenuBar.offsetLeft;
iNewLeft=event.clientX - this._m_oTblMenuBar.startLeft - 3;
this._m_oTblMenuBar.style.pixelLeft= iNewLeft;
if (this._m_oTblMenuBar.startTop == null)
this._m_oTblMenuBar.startTop = this._m_oTblMenuBar.offsetTop;
iNewTop=event.clientY - this._m_oTblMenuBar.startTop;
this._m_oTblMenuBar.style.pixelTop = iNewTop - 10;
event.returnValue = false
event.cancelBubble = true
// }
if (this._m_oTblMenuBar.startLeft == null)
this._m_oTblMenuBar.startLeft = this._m_oTblMenuBar.offsetLeft;
iNewLeft=e.clientX - this._m_oTblMenuBar.startLeft - 3;
//if (iNewLeft<0)
// iNewLeft=0;
this._m_oTblMenuBar.style.left = iNewLeft;
if (this._m_oTblMenuBar.startTop == null)
this._m_oTblMenuBar.startTop = this._m_oTblMenuBar.offsetTop;
iNewTop=e.clientY - this._m_oTblMenuBar.startTop;
//if (iNewTop<0)
// iNewTop=0;
this._m_oTblMenuBar.style.top = iNewTop - 10;
function __menuhook_MouseDown()
this._m_bMoving = true;
function __menuhook_MouseUp()
this._m_bMoving = false;
function __document_MouseMove(e)
if (this._m_bMoving)
function __document_MouseDown()
//this._m_bMoving = null;
function __document_MouseUp()
SolpartMenu.prototype.bodyclick = function()
//--- handles display of newly opened menu ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.handleNewItemSelect = function (sID)
var i;
var iNewLength=-1;
var bDeleteRest=false;
for (i=0; i<this._m_aOpenMenuID.length; i++)
if (bDeleteRest)
spm_getById("tbl" + this._m_aOpenMenuID[i]).style.display = "none";
if (this.useIFrames)
spm_iFrameIndex(spm_getById("tbl" + this._m_aOpenMenuID[i]), false, this.systemImagesPath);
if (this._m_aOpenMenuID[i] == this._m_sNSpace + sID)
iNewLength = i;
if (iNewLength != -1)
this._m_aOpenMenuID.length = iNewLength+1;
//--- hides all menus that are currently displayed ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.hideAllMenus = function ()
var i;
var oMenu;
for (i=0; i<this._m_aOpenMenuID.length; i++)
oMenu = spm_getById("tbl" + this._m_aOpenMenuID[i]);
oMenu.style.display = "none";
if (this.useIFrames)
spm_iFrameIndex(oMenu, false, this.systemImagesPath);
if (this.useIFrames != true)
this._m_aOpenMenuID.length = 0;
function SolpartMenuTransitionObject()
this.stop = false;
//--- stops menu transition effect ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.stopTransition = function ()
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.stop = true;
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject = new SolpartMenuTransitionObject();
//--- starts menu transition effect ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.doTransition = function (oMenu)
if (this.menuTransition == 'None' || this.supportsTransitions == '0')
var sID = this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id;
switch (this.menuTransition)
case 'AlphaFade':
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id != oMenu.id)
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id = oMenu.id;
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.opacity = 0;
case 'Wave':
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id != oMenu.id)
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id = oMenu.id;
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.phase = 0;
case 'ConstantWave':
if (sID != oMenu.id)
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id = oMenu.id;
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.phase = 0;
case 'Inset': case 'RadialWipe': case 'Slide': case 'Spiral': case 'Stretch': case 'Strips': case 'Wheel': case 'GradientWipe': case 'Zigzag': case 'Barn': case 'Blinds': case 'Checkerboard': case 'Fade': case 'Iris': case 'RandomBars':
oMenu.filters('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.' + this.menuTransition).apply();
oMenu.filters('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.' + this.menuTransition).duration = this.menuTransitionLength;
oMenu.filters('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.' + this.menuTransition).play();
//--- applys transition filter ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.doFilter = function (bStop)
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id == null)
var o = spm_getById(this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.id);
window.status = new Date();
switch (this.menuTransition)
case 'AlphaFade':
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.stop)
o.filters('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha').opacity = 100;
o.filters('DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha').opacity = this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.opacity;
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.opacity < 100)
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].doFilter()', 50);
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.opacity += (100/20* this.menuTransitionLength);
case 'Wave': case 'ConstantWave':
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.stop)
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").freq = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").lightstrength = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").strength = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").phase = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").freq = 1;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").lightstrength = 20;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").strength = 5;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").phase = this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.phase;
if (this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.phase < 100 * this.menuTransitionLength || this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.constant == true)
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].doFilter()', 50);
this.SolpartMenuTransitionObject.phase += 5;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").freq = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").lightstrength = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").strength = 0;
o.filters("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Wave").phase = 0;
//--- handles mouseover for menu item ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.handlembi_mo = function (oRow, bBypassDelay)
var sID = oRow.id.substr(2);
spm_getById("icon" + sID).className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitmsel spmicn') + this.cssMenuIcon + ' ' + this.cssMenuItemSel + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oRow, 'saveselcss', ''));
spm_getById("td" + sID).className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitmsel') + this.cssMenuItemSel + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oRow, 'saveselcss', ''));
spm_getById("arrow" + sID).className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitmsel spmarw') + this.cssMenuItemSel + ' ' + this.cssMenuArrow + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oRow, 'saveselcss', ''));
spm_applyRowBorder(oRow, 1, this.selBorderColor, true);
if (this.minDelay != 0 && bBypassDelay != true)
if (this.minDelayTimer != null)
this.minDelayType = 'sub';
this.minDelayObj = oRow;
this.minDelayTimer = setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].mouseInDelayHandler()', this.minDelay);
if (this._m_aOpenMenuID[this._m_aOpenMenuID.length - 1] != oRow.id.replace('tr', ''))
this.handleNewItemSelect(spm_getAttr(oRow, "parentID", ""));
if (spm_getById("tbl" + sID) != null)
var iWidth;
oMenu = spm_getById("tbl" + sID);
var oPDims = new spm_elementDims(oRow);
var oMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu);
oMenu.style.top = oPDims.t + 'px';
oMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu); //now that we moved need to reget dims
oMenu.style.display = "";
if (oMDims.t - spm_getBodyScrollTop() + oMDims.h > spm_getViewPortHeight())
if (oMDims.h < spm_getViewPortHeight())
oMenu.style.top = (spm_getViewPortHeight() + spm_getBodyScrollTop() - oMDims.h) + 'px';
spm_handleScrollMenu(this, oMenu);
oMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu); //now that we moved need to reget dims
if (this.direction == 'rtl')
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l - oMDims.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l + oPDims.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
if (this.direction == 'rtl')
if (oMDims.l - spm_getBodyScrollLeft() < 0)
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l + oPDims.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
if (oPDims.l - spm_getBodyScrollLeft() + oPDims.w + oMDims.w > spm_getViewPortWidth())
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l - oMDims.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
this._m_aOpenMenuID[this._m_aOpenMenuID.length] = sID;
if (this.useIFrames)
spm_iFrameIndex(oMenu, true, this.systemImagesPath);
this.fireEvent('onMenuItemMouseOver', oRow);
//--- handles mouseout for menu item ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.handlembi_mout = function (oRow)
var sID = oRow.id.substr(2);
oRow.className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitm') + ' ' + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oRow, 'savecss', ''));
spm_getById("icon" + sID).className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmicn') + this.cssMenuIcon);
spm_getById("td" + sID).className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmitm') + ' ' + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oRow, 'savecss', ''));
spm_getById("arrow" + sID).className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmarw') + this.cssMenuArrow);
spm_applyRowBorder(oRow, 1, "", false);
//used for raising events to client javascript
SolpartMenu.prototype.fireEvent = function (sEvent, src)
return; //disabled for now
if (eval('this.' + sEvent + ' != null'))
var e = new Object();
if (src != null)
e.srcElement = src;
e.srcElement = this._m_oMenu;
eval('this.' + sEvent + '(e)');
//--- called by setTimeOut to check mouseout hide delay ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.hideMenuTime = function ()
if (this._m_dHideTimer != null && this.moutDelay > 0)
if (new Date() - this._m_dHideTimer >= this.moutDelay)
this._m_dHideTimer = null;
setTimeout(this.hideMenuTime, this.moutDelay);
SolpartMenu.prototype.mouseInDelayHandler = function ()
if (this.minDelayType == 'root')
this.onMBMO(this.minDelayObj, true);
else if (this.minDelayType == 'sub')
this.handlembi_mo(this.minDelayObj, true);
this.minDelayTimer = null;
this.minDelayObj = null;
//--- called by setTimeOut to check mouseout hide delay ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.scrollMenu = function ()
if (this._m_oScrollingMenu != null)
if (spm_ScrollMenuClick(this._m_oScrollingMenu) == false)
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + this._m_sNSpace + '"].scrollMenu()', 500);
this._m_oScrollingMenu = null;
function spm_iFrameIndex(eMenu, bShow, sysImgPath)
if (spm_browserType() == 'op')
return; //not needed
if (document.readyState != 'complete')
return; //avoid operation aborted
if (bShow)
var oIFR=spm_getById('ifr' + eMenu.id);
if (oIFR == null)
var oIFR = document.createElement('iframe');
oIFR.id = 'ifr' + eMenu.id;
//oIFR.src = 'javascript: void(0);';
oIFR.src = sysImgPath + 'spacer.gif';
oIFR.style.top = 0;
oIFR.style.left = 0;
oIFR.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0)";
oIFR.scrolling = 'no';
oIFR.frameBorder = 'no';
oIFR.style.display = 'none';
oIFR.style.position = 'absolute';
var oMDims = new spm_elementDims(eMenu);
var iIndex = spm_getCurrentStyle(eMenu, 'zIndex'); //eMenu.style.zIndex;
if (iIndex == null || iIndex == 0)
eMenu.style.zIndex = 1;
else if (spm_getById('ifr' + eMenu.id) != null)
spm_getById('ifr' + eMenu.id).style.display='none';
function spm_showElement(elmID)
if (spm_browserType() == 'op')
return; //not needed
// Display any element that was hidden
var sTags = elmID.split('|');
for (var x=0; x<sTags.length; x++)
elmID = sTags[x];
for (var i = 0; i < spm_getTags(elmID).length; i++)
obj = spm_getTags(elmID)[i];
if (! obj || ! obj.offsetParent)
obj.style.visibility = "";
function spm_hideElement(elmID, eMenu)
if (spm_browserType() == 'op')
return; //not needed
var obj;
// Hide any element that overlaps with the dropdown menu
var sTags = elmID.split('|');
var oMDims = new spm_elementDims(eMenu);
for (var x=0; x<sTags.length; x++)
elmID = sTags[x];
for (var i = 0; i < spm_getTags(elmID).length; i++)
obj = spm_getTags(elmID)[i];
var oODims = new spm_elementDims(obj);
if (oODims.t > oMDims.t + oMDims.h)
//if element is below bottom of menu then do nothing
else if (oODims.l > oMDims.l + oMDims.w)
//if element is to the right of menu then do nothing
else if (oODims.l + oODims.w < oMDims.l)
//if element is to the left of menu then do nothing
else if (oODims.t + oODims.h < oMDims.t)
//if element is to the top of menu then do nothing
obj.style.visibility = "hidden";
function spm_positionMenu(me, oMenu, oCell)
var oPDims = new spm_elementDims(oCell, false, me);
if (me.display == 'vertical')
oMenu.style.top = oPDims.t + 'px';
var oMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu);
if (oMDims.t - spm_getBodyScrollTop() + oMDims.h >= spm_getViewPortHeight())
if (oMDims.h < spm_getViewPortHeight())
oMenu.style.top = (spm_getViewPortHeight() - oMDims.h + spm_getBodyScrollTop()) + 'px';
spm_handleScrollMenu(me, oMenu);
var oOrigMDims;
if (spm_browserType() != 'ie') //since mozilla doesn't set width greater than window size we need to store it here
oOrigMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu);
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l + oPDims.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
oMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu);
if (oOrigMDims == null)
oOrigMDims = oMDims;
if (oMDims.l - spm_getBodyScrollLeft(true) + oOrigMDims.w > spm_getViewPortWidth())
if (spm_getViewPortWidth() - oOrigMDims.w > 0) //only do this if it fits
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l - oOrigMDims.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft(true)) + 'px';
//oMenu.style.display = "";
if (me.direction == 'rtl')
var oMDims2 = new spm_elementDims(oMenu);
oMenu.style.left = ((oPDims.l + oPDims.w) - oMDims2.w - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
oMenu.style.left = (oPDims.l - spm_getBodyScrollLeft()) + 'px';
//oMenu.style.top = oPDims.t + oPDims.h;
oMenu.style.top = (oPDims.t + oPDims.h) + 'px';
var oMDims = new spm_elementDims(oMenu);
if (oMDims.l - spm_getBodyScrollLeft(true) + oMDims.w > spm_getViewPortWidth())
if (spm_getViewPortWidth() - oMDims.w > 0) //only do this if it fits
oMenu.style.left = spm_getViewPortWidth() - oMDims.w + spm_getBodyScrollLeft(true);
if (oMDims.t - spm_getBodyScrollTop() + oMDims.h > spm_getViewPortHeight())
if (oPDims.t - oMDims.h - spm_getBodyScrollTop() > 0) //only do this if it fits
oMenu.style.top = (oPDims.t - oMDims.h) + 'px'; //place above menu bar
spm_handleScrollMenu(me, oMenu);
//oMenu.style.display = "none";
//--------- Internal (private) Functions --------//
//--- Applies border to cell ---//
SolpartMenu.prototype.applyBorder = function (oCell, iSize, sTopLeftColor, sBottomRightColor, sStyle)
if (this.moDisplay == 'Outset')
if (sStyle == null)
sStyle = "solid";
if (sTopLeftColor.length > 0 && sBottomRightColor.length > 0)
if (oCell.tagName == 'TR')
oCell = oCell.childNodes(0);
oCell.style.borderTop = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sTopLeftColor;
oCell.style.borderLeft = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sTopLeftColor;
oCell.style.borderRight = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sBottomRightColor;
oCell.style.borderBottom = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sBottomRightColor;
if (this.moDisplay == 'HighLight')
if (sTopLeftColor == this.backColor)
//oCell.style.backgroundColor = '';
//setClassColor(oCell, 'spmitm', '');
oCell.className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbar spmitm') + ' ' + this.cssMenuItem + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oCell, 'savecss', ''));
//oCell.style.backgroundColor = this.selColor;
//setClassColor(oCell, 'spmitm', this.selForeColor);
oCell.className = spm_fixCSSForMac(this.getIntCSSName('spmbar spmitmsel') + ' ' + this.cssMenuItemSel + ' ' + spm_getAttr(oCell, 'saveselcss', ''));
function spm_applyRowBorder(oRow, iSize, sColor, bSelected, sStyle)
if (oRow.cells.length == 0) //(spm_browserType() == 'safari')
return; //safari has issues with accessing cell
var sColor2=sColor;
if (sStyle == null)
sStyle = "solid";
if (sColor == "")
//if (bSelected)
// sColor2 = this.selColor;
sColor2 = spm_getCurrentStyle(oRow.cells[0], 'background-Color');
if ((sColor2 == null || sColor2 == '') && spm_browserType() != 'ie')
sColor2 = 'transparent';
//if (sColor2 != 'transparent')
spm_applyBorders(oRow.cells[0], sStyle, iSize, sColor2, true, true, false, true);
if (sColor == "" && bSelected == false)
sColor2 = spm_getCellBackColor(oRow.cells[1]);
if (sColor2 == null || sColor2 == '')
sColor2 = 'transparent';
//if (sColor2 != 'transparent')
spm_applyBorders(oRow.cells[1], sStyle, iSize, sColor2, true, false, false, true);
spm_applyBorders(oRow.cells[2], sStyle, iSize, sColor2, true, false, true, true);
function spm_getCellBackColor(o)
var sColor = spm_getCurrentStyle(o, 'background-Color');
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
//--- fix IE transparent border issue ---//
while (sColor == 'transparent')
sColor = spm_getCurrentStyle(o, 'background-Color');
o = o.parentElement;
if (o.id.indexOf('divOuterTables') != -1) //if we are outside the realm of the menu then use transparency
return sColor;
function spm_applyBorders(o, sStyle, iSize, sColor, t, l, r, b)
if (t && sColor=='') o.style.paddingTop = iSize + "px ";
if (b && sColor=='') o.style.paddingBottom = iSize + "px ";
if (r && sColor=='') o.style.paddingRight = iSize + "px ";
if (l && sColor=='') o.style.paddingLeft = iSize + "px ";
if (sColor=='')
iSize = 0;
if (t) o.style.borderTop = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sColor;
if (b) o.style.borderBottom = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sColor;
if (r) o.style.borderRight = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sColor;
if (l) o.style.borderLeft = sStyle + " " + iSize + "px " + sColor;
function spm_resetScroll(oMenu)
if (oMenu.scrollItems != null)
oMenu.scrollPos = 1;
oMenu.scrollItems = 9999;
function spm_handleScrollMenu(me, oMenu)
var oTbl = spm_getTags('table', oMenu)[0]; //oMenu.childNodes[1];
oMenu.style.display = '';
if (oMenu.scrollPos == null)
oMenu.scrollPos = 1;
var oRow = spm_insertTableRow(oTbl);
var oCell = document.createElement('TD');
oCell.id = 'dn' + oMenu.id.substring(3);
oCell.colSpan = 3;
oCell.align = 'center';
oCell.style.backgroundColor = 'gray'; //can be overridden by MenuScroll style
oCell.innerHTML='<div id="dn' + oMenu.id.substr(3) + '" onclick="return spm_ScrollMenuClick(this, event);" onmouseover="spm_ScrollMenuMO(this, m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + me._m_sNSpace + '\']);" onmouseout="spm_ScrollMenuMOUT(m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + me._m_sNSpace + '\']);" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(me.getIntCSSName('spmitmscr')) + ' ' + me.cssMenuScrollItem + '" style="width: 100%; font-size: 6pt;">...</div>';
oRow = spm_insertTableRow(oTbl, 0);
oCell = document.createElement('TD');
oCell.id = 'up' + oMenu.id.substring(3);
oCell.colSpan = 3;
oCell.align = 'center';
oCell.style.backgroundColor = 'gray'; //can be overridden by MenuScroll style
oCell.innerHTML='<div id="up' + oMenu.id.substr(3) + '" onclick="return spm_ScrollMenuClick(this, event);" onmouseover="spm_ScrollMenuMO(this, m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + me._m_sNSpace + '\']);" onmouseout="spm_ScrollMenuMOUT(m_oSolpartMenu[\'' + me._m_sNSpace + '\']);" class="' + spm_fixCSSForMac(me.getIntCSSName('spmitmscr')) + ' ' + me.cssMenuScrollItem + '" style="width: 100%; font-size: 6pt;">...</div>';
oRow.style.display = 'none';
if (oMenu.ScrollRowHeight == null)
spm_getTags('tr', oTbl)[0].style.display = '';
oMenu.ScrollItemHeight = (spm_getElementHeight(spm_getTags('tr', oTbl)[0]) * 2);
spm_getTags('tr', oTbl)[0].style.display = 'none';
oMenu.ScrollRowHeight = spm_getElementHeight(spm_getTags('tr', oTbl)[1]);
oMenu.scrollItems = parseInt((spm_getViewPortHeight() - spm_elementTop(oMenu) + spm_getBodyScrollTop() - oMenu.ScrollItemHeight) / (oMenu.ScrollRowHeight + 1));
function spm_ScrollMenuMO(e, me)
me._m_dHideTimer = null;
me._m_oScrollingMenu = e;
if (Number(me.moScroll))
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + me._m_sNSpace + '"].scrollMenu()', 500);
function spm_ScrollMenuMOUT(me)
me._m_oScrollingMenu = null;
me._m_dHideTimer = new Date();
if (me.moutDelay != 0)
setTimeout('m_oSolpartMenu["' + me._m_sNSpace + '"].hideMenuTime()', me.moutDelay);
function spm_ScrollMenuClick(e, evt)
if (e != null)
var oCell = e.parentNode;
var oTbl = oCell.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode;
var oMenu = oTbl.parentNode;
if (oCell.id == 'up' + oMenu.id.substring(3))
if (oMenu.scrollPos > 1)
return true;
if (oMenu.scrollPos + oMenu.scrollItems < oTbl.rows.length - 1)
return true;
if (evt != null)
return false;
function spm_showScrolledItems(oMenu)
var oTbl = spm_getTags('table', oMenu)[0];
var oRows = spm_getTags('tr', oTbl); //oTbl.rows.length
for (var i=1; i < oRows.length; i++)
//if row is not within display "window" then don't display it
if (i < oMenu.scrollPos || i >= oMenu.scrollPos + oMenu.scrollItems)
oRows[i].style.display = 'none';
oRows[i].style.display = '';
// if we are scrolled down at least one then display up scroll item
if (oMenu.scrollPos > 1)
oRows[0].style.display = '';
oRows[0].style.display = 'none';
// if there is at least one item not displayed then show down item
if (oMenu.scrollPos + oMenu.scrollItems < oTbl.rows.length - 1)
oRows[oRows.length-1].style.display = '';
oRows[oRows.length-1].style.display = 'none';
function spm_insertTableRow(tbl, iPos)
var oRow;
var oTB;
oRow = document.createElement('TR');
if (tbl.getElementsByTagName('TBODY').length == 0)
oTB = document.createElement('TBODY');
oTB = tbl.getElementsByTagName('TBODY')[0];
if (iPos == null)
oTB.insertBefore(oRow, tbl.rows[iPos]);
return oRow;
function spm_getElementHeight(o)
if (o.offsetHeight == null || o.offsetHeight == 0)
if (o.offsetParent.offsetHeight == null || o.offsetParent.offsetHeight == 0)
if (o.offsetParent.offsetParent != null)
return o.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetHeight; //needed for Konqueror
return 0;
return o.offsetParent.offsetHeight;
return o.offsetHeight;
function spm_getElementWidth(o)
if (o.offsetWidth == null || o.offsetWidth == 0)
if (o.offsetParent.offsetWidth == null || o.offsetParent.offsetWidth == 0)
if (o.offsetParent.offsetParent != null)
return o.offsetParent.offsetParent.offsetWidth; //needed for Konqueror
return 0;
return o.offsetParent.offsetWidth
return o.offsetWidth;
//viewport logic taken from http://dhtmlkitchen.com/js/measurements/index.jsp
function spm_getViewPortWidth()
// supported in Mozilla, Opera, and Safari
return window.innerWidth;
// supported in standards mode of IE, but not in any other mode
return document.documentElement.clientWidth;
// supported in quirks mode, older versions of IE, and mac IE (anything else).
return window.document.body.clientWidth;
function spm_getBodyScrollTop()
if ('|ie|op|mo|ns|'.indexOf('|' + spm_browserType() + '|') != -1)
if (document.body.scrollTop != null)
return document.body.scrollTop;
return 0;
function spm_getBodyScrollLeft(bOverride)
if ('|op|'.indexOf('|' + spm_browserType() + '|') != -1 || bOverride == true)
if (document.body.scrollLeft != null)
return document.body.scrollLeft;
return 0;
function spm_getViewPortHeight()
// supported in Mozilla, Opera, and Safari
return window.innerHeight;
// supported in standards mode of IE, but not in any other mode
return document.documentElement.clientHeight;
// supported in quirks mode, older versions of IE, and mac IE (anything else).
return window.document.body.clientHeight;
function spm_elementTop(eSrc, includeBody)
var iTop = 0;
var eParent;
eParent = eSrc;
while (eParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY")
//Safari incorrectly calculates the TR tag to be at the top of the table, so try and get child TD tag to use for measurement
//if (spm_browserType() == 'safari' && eParent.tagName.toUpperCase() == 'TR' && spm_getTags('TD', eParent).length)
// eParent = spm_getTags('TD', eParent)[0];
iTop += eParent.offsetTop;
eParent = eParent.offsetParent;
if (eParent == null)
if (includeBody != null && eParent != null && (spm_browserType() == 'safari' || spm_browserType() == 'kq'))
iTop += eParent.offsetTop;
return iTop;
function spm_elementLeft(eSrc, includeBody)
var iLeft = 0;
var eParent;
eParent = eSrc;
while (eParent.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY")
iLeft += eParent.offsetLeft;
eParent = eParent.offsetParent;
if (eParent == null)
if (includeBody != null && eParent != null && (spm_browserType() == 'safari' || spm_browserType() == 'kq'))
iLeft += eParent.offsetLeft;
return iLeft;
function spm_getElement(e, sID)
var o=e;
var i=0;
while (o.id != sID)
return o;
function spm_getSourceTR(e, ns)
while (e.id == "")
e= e.parentElement;
if (e.id.indexOf("arrow") != -1)
var sID = e.id.substr(5);
return spm_getById("tr" + sID);
else if (e.id.indexOf("td") != -1)
var sID = e.id.substr(2);
return spm_getById("tr" + sID);
else if (e.id.indexOf("icon") != -1)
var sID = e.id.substr(4);
return spm_getById("tr" + sID);
else if (e.id.indexOf("img") != -1)
var sID = e.id.substr(3);
return spm_getById("tr" + sID);
return e;
function spm_itemHasChildren(sID, ns)
objTable = spm_getById(ns + "tbl" + sID);
if (objTable != null)
if (objTable.rows != null)
if (objTable.rows.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
function spm_getMenuItemStyle(sType, oNode)
return spm_getAttr(oNode, sType + "style", '');
function spm_getMenuItemCSS(oNode)
return spm_getAttr(oNode, "css", '');
function spm_getMenuItemSelCSS(oNode)
return spm_getAttr(oNode, "selcss", '');
SolpartMenu.prototype.getIntCSSName = function(sClass)
var ary = sClass.split(' ');
var s='';
for (var i=0; i<ary.length; i++)
s += this._m_sNSpace.toLowerCase() + '_' + ary[i] + ' ';
return s;
function spm_fixCSSForMac(s)
var ary = s.split(' ');
var sRet='';
for (var i=0; i<ary.length; i++)
if (ary[i].rtrim().length > 0)
if (sRet.length)
sRet += ' ' + ary[i];
sRet = ary[i];
return sRet;
function spm_getMenuClickAction(oNode, me)
//'function to determine if menu item has action associated (URL)
var sName = spm_getAttr(me._m_oMenu, 'name', me._m_oMenu.name);
if (sName == null || sName.length == 0) //opera fix for getting name
sName = spm_getAttr(me._m_oMenu, 'pbname', me._m_oMenu.pbname);
if (spm_getAttr(oNode, "runat", '').length)
return "__doPostBack('" + sName + "', '" + spm_getAttr(oNode, "id", "") + "');";
if (spm_getAttr(oNode, "server", '').length)
return "__doPostBack('" + sName + "', '" + spm_getAttr(oNode, "id", "") + "');";
var sURL = spm_getAttr(oNode, "url", "");
if (sURL.length)
if (sURL.toLowerCase().substr(0, "javascript:".length) == "javascript:")
return sURL.substr("javascript:".length) + ";";
if (me.target.length > 0 && document.frames[me.target] != null)
return "document.frames['" + me.target + "'].location.href='" + sURL + "';";
return "document.location.href='" + sURL + "';";
return '';
function spm_getMenuSpacingImage(sPos, me)
var sAlign = me.menuAlignment.toLowerCase();
if ((sPos == 'left' && sAlign == 'right') || (sPos == 'right' && sAlign == 'left'))
return " <td width=\"100%\">" + spm_getSpacer(me) + "</td>";
if ((sPos == 'right' && sAlign == 'left') || (sPos == 'left' && sAlign == 'right'))
return " <td width=\"3px\">" + spm_getSpacer(me) + "</td>";
if (sAlign == 'Center')
return " <td width=\"33%\">" + spm_getSpacer(me) + "</td>";
return '';
function spm_getSpacer(me)
return spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', me, false, ' ');
//return ' '; //"<IMG SRC=\"" + me.systemImagesPath + "spacer.gif\">";
function spm_getImage(oAttr, me)
//'retrieves an image for a passed in XMLAttribute
var sImage = spm_getAttr(oAttr, 'image', '');
if (sImage.length)
return spm_getHTMLImage(sImage, spm_getAttr(oAttr, 'imagepath', me.iconImagesPath), null, spm_getAttr(oAttr, 'title', ''));
return spm_getMenuImage('spacer.gif', me, null, ' ');
function spm_getItemHTML(oNode, sSide, sDef)
if (sDef == null) sDef = '';
return spm_getAttr(oNode, sSide + "html", sDef);
function spm_getMenuImage(sImage, me, bForce, sAlt)
//'generates html for image using the SystemImagesPath property
return spm_getHTMLImage(sImage, me.systemImagesPath, bForce, sAlt);
function spm_getHTMLImage(sImage, sPath, bForce, sAlt)
//'generates html for image using the SystemImagesPath property
if (spm_browserNeedsSpacer() == false && sImage == 'spacer.gif' && bForce != true)
return ' ';
return "<IMG SRC=\"" + sPath + sImage + "\" " + spm_getAlt(sAlt) + ">";
function spm_getAlt(sAlt)
if (sAlt != null && sAlt.rtrim().length > 0)
return ' ALT="' + sAlt + '" ';
return '';
function spm_browserNeedsSpacer()
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
return false;
return true;
function MyIIf(bFlag, sTrue, sFalse)
if (bFlag)
return sTrue;
return sFalse;
function spm_getArrow(sImg, me)
if (sImg.length)
return spm_getMenuImage(sImg, me, null, '>');
if (me.direction == 'rtl')
return "3";
return "4"; //'defaults to using wingdings font (4 = arrow)
function spm_getMenuBorderStyle(me, shColor, hlColor, width)
if (shColor == null) shColor = me.shColor;
if (hlColor == null) hlColor = me.hlColor;
if (width == null) width = me.borderWidth;
//border-bottom: Gray 1px solid; border-left: White 1px solid; border-top: White 1px solid; border-right: Gray 1px solid;
//return 'border-bottom: ' + shColor + ' ' + width + 'px solid; border-left: ' + hlColor + ' ' + width + 'px solid; border-top: ' + hlColor + ' ' + width + 'px solid; border-right: ' + shColor + ' ' + width + 'px solid;';
return getBorderStyle('border-bottom', shColor, width) + getBorderStyle('border-left', hlColor, width) + getBorderStyle('border-top', hlColor, width) + getBorderStyle('border-right', shColor, width);
function getBorderStyle(type, color, width)
return type + ': ' + color + ' ' + width + 'px solid; ';
String.prototype.ltrim = function () { return this.replace(/^\s*/, "");}
String.prototype.rtrim = function () { return this.replace(/\s*$/, "");}
String.prototype.trim = function () { return this.ltrim().rtrim(); }
if (spm_browserType() == 'safari') //Safari Hack
var Document = null;
if (spm_browserType() != 'ie' && spm_browserType() != 'op' && Document != null)
Document.prototype.loadXML = function (s)
// parse the string to a new doc
var doc2 = (new DOMParser()).parseFromString(s, "text/xml");
// remove all initial children
while (this.hasChildNodes())
// insert and import nodes
for (var i = 0; i < doc2.childNodes.length; i++)
this.appendChild(this.importNode(doc2.childNodes[i], true));
function _Node_getXML()
//create a new XMLSerializer
var objXMLSerializer = new XMLSerializer;
//get the XML string
var strXML = objXMLSerializer.serializeToString(this);
//return the XML string
return strXML;
Node.prototype.__defineGetter__("xml", _Node_getXML);
function spm_createDOMDoc()
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
var o = new ActiveXObject('MSXML.DOMDocument');
o.async = false;
return o;
return document.implementation.createDocument("", "", null);
function spm_getById(sID)
if (document.all == null)
return document.getElementById(sID);
return document.all(sID);
function spm_getTags(sTag, oCtl)
if (oCtl == null)
oCtl = document;
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
return oCtl.all.tags(sTag);
return oCtl.getElementsByTagName(sTag);
function spm_browserType()
if (m_spm_sBrowser == null)
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (agt.toLowerCase().indexOf('konqueror') != -1)
m_spm_sBrowser = 'kq';
else if (agt.toLowerCase().indexOf('opera') != -1)
m_spm_sBrowser = 'op';
else if (agt.toLowerCase().indexOf('netscape') != -1)
m_spm_sBrowser = 'ns';
else if (agt.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1)
m_spm_sBrowser = 'ie';
else if (agt.toLowerCase().indexOf('safari') != -1)
m_spm_sBrowser = 'safari';
if (m_spm_sBrowser == null)
m_spm_sBrowser = 'mo';
//window.status = m_spm_sBrowser;
return m_spm_sBrowser;
function spm_browserVersion()
//Please offer a better solution if you have one!
var sType = spm_browserType();
var iVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
var sAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (sType == 'ie')
var temp=navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE");
if (sType == 'ns')
var temp=sAgent.split("netscape");
return iVersion;
function spm_needsSubMenuDelay()
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
return true;
return false;
function spm_supportsIFrameTrick()
var sType = spm_browserType();
var sVersion = spm_browserVersion();
if ((sType == 'ie' && sVersion < 5.5) || (sType == 'ns' && sVersion < 7) || (spm_browserType() == 'safari') || spm_isMac('ie'))
return false;
return true;
function spm_isMac(sType)
//return true;
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (agt.indexOf('mac') != -1)
if (sType == null || spm_browserType() == sType)
return true;
return false;
function isOpera()
//return true;
var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (agt.indexOf('opera') != -1)
return true;
return false;
//taken from http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&safe=off&threadm=b42qj3%24r8s1%40ripley.netscape.com&rnum=1&prev=/groups%3Fq%3Dmozilla%2B%2522currentstyle%2522%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26ie%3DUTF-8%26oe%3DUTF-8%26safe%3Doff%26scoring%3Dd
function spm_getCurrentStyle(el, property) {
if (document.defaultView)
// Get computed style information:
if (el.nodeType != el.ELEMENT_NODE) return null;
return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,'').getPropertyValue(property.split('-').join(''));
if (el.currentStyle)
// Get el.currentStyle property value:
return el.currentStyle[property.split('-').join('')];
//return el.currentStyle.getAttribute(property.split('-').join('')); //We need to get rid of slashes
if (el.style)
// Get el.style property value:
return el.style.getAttribute(property.split('-').join('')); // We need to get rid of slashes
} return null;
function spm_getAttr(o, sAttr, sDef)
if (sDef == null)
sDef = '';
var s = o.getAttribute(sAttr);
if (s != null && s.length > 0)
return o.getAttribute(sAttr);
return sDef;
function spm_setAttr(o, sAttr, sVal)
if (sVal.length > 0)
o.setAttribute(sAttr, sVal);
function spm_fixUnit(s)
if (s.length && isNaN(s) == false)
return s + 'px';
function spm_nodeHasChildren(node)
if (typeof(node.selectSingleNode) != 'undefined') //(node.selectSingleNode != null) //(spm_browserType() == 'ie')
return node.selectSingleNode('./menuitem') != null;
if (node.childNodes.length > 0)
//Netscape/Mozilla counts an empty <menuitem id></menuitem> as having a child...
for (var i=0; i< node.childNodes.length; i++)
if (node.childNodes[i].nodeName == 'menuitem')
return true;
return false;
function spm_findNode(oParent, sID)
for (var i = 0; i < oParent.childNodes.length; i++)
oNode = oParent.childNodes[i];
if (oNode.nodeType != 3) //exclude nodeType of Text (Netscape/Mozilla) issue!
if ((oNode.nodeName == "menuitem" || oNode.nodeName == "menubreak") && oNode.getAttribute("id") == sID)
return oNode;
if (oNode.childNodes.length > 0)
var o = spm_findNode(oNode, sID);
if (o != null)
return o;
function spm_getSibling(oNode, iOffset)
var sID = spm_getAttr(oNode, 'id');
var o;
for (var i=0; i<oNode.parentNode.childNodes.length; i++)
o = oNode.parentNode.childNodes[i];
if (o.nodeType != 3)
if (spm_getAttr(o, 'id') == sID)
return getOffsetNode(o.parentNode, i, iOffset);
function spm_stopEventBubbling(e)
if (spm_browserType() == 'ie')
window.event.cancelBubble = true;
//--- if you have a better solution send me an email - jhenning@solpart.com ---//
function spm_appendFunction(from_func, to_func)
if (from_func == null)
return new Function ( to_func );
return new Function ( spm_parseFunctionContents(from_func) + '\n' + spm_parseFunctionContents(to_func) );
function spm_parseFunctionContents(fnc)
var s =String(fnc).trim();
if (s.indexOf('{') > -1)
s = s.substring(s.indexOf('{') + 1, s.length - 1);
return s;
//--- For JS DOM ---//
function SPJSXMLNode(sNodeName, sID, oParent, sTitle, sURL, sImage, sImagePath, sRightHTML, sLeftHTML, sRunAtServer, sItemStyle, sImageStyle, sToolTip, sItemCSS, sItemSelCSS)
this.nodeName = sNodeName;
this.childNodes = new Array();
//this.nodeType = 3;
this.parentNode = oParent;
if (oParent != null)
oParent.childNodes[oParent.childNodes.length] = this;
if (oParent.documentElement == null)
this.documentElement = oParent;
this.documentElement = oParent.documentElement;
this.documentElement = this;
this.title = sTitle;
this.url = sURL;
this.image = sImage;
this.imagepath = sImagePath;
this.righthtml = sRightHTML;
this.lefthtml = sLeftHTML;
this.server = sRunAtServer;
this.itemstyle = sItemStyle;
this.imagestyle = sImageStyle;
this.tooltip = sToolTip;
this.css = sItemCSS;
this.selcss = sItemSelCSS;
SPJSXMLNode.prototype.getAttribute = function(s)
return this[s];
var m_iSPTimer;
var m_iSPTotalTimer=0;
var m_sSPDebugText;
var m_oSPDebugCtl;
var m_bSPDebug = false;
function __db(s)
if (spm_browserType() != 'ie' || m_bSPDebug == false)
var sT = new Date() - m_iSPTimer;
if (sT > 120000)
sT = '';
m_oSPDebugCtl.value = '---reset---';
else if (sT > 100)
m_iSPTotalTimer+= sT;
sT = ' *** [' + sT + '] *** ';
else if (sT > 0)
m_iSPTotalTimer+= sT;
sT = ' [' + sT + ']';
sT = '';
if (document.forms.length > 0 && m_oSPDebugCtl == null)
document.forms(0).insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', '<br><TEXTAREA ID="my__Debug" STYLE="WIDTH: 100%; HEIGHT: 100px"></TEXTAREA>');
m_oSPDebugCtl = document.all('my__Debug');
if (m_oSPDebugCtl != null)
m_oSPDebugCtl.value += '[' + m_iSPTotalTimer + '] ' + s + sT + '\n';
m_sSPDebugText += '[' + m_iSPTotalTimer + '] ' + s + sT + '\n';
m_iSPTimer = new Date();
if (window.__smartNav != null)
window.setTimeout(spm_fixSmartNav, 1000);
function spm_fixSmartNav()
if (window.__smartNav != null)
if (document.readyState == 'complete')
var o = spm_getById('SolpartMenuDI');
if (o != null)
if (o.length == null)
if (o.xml != null)
spm_initMyMenu(o, o.parentElement);
for (var i=0; i<o.length; i++)
if (o[i].xml != null)
spm_initMyMenu(o[i], o.parentElement);
window.setTimeout(spm_fixSmartNav, 1000);
function spm_elementDims(o, bIncludeBody, me)
var bHidden = (o.style.display == 'none');
if (bHidden)
o.style.display = "";
this.t = spm_elementTop(o, bIncludeBody);
this.l = spm_elementLeft(o, bIncludeBody);
if (!spm_isMac('ie'))
o.style.top = 0;
o.style.left = 0;
this.w = spm_getElementWidth(o);
this.h = spm_getElementHeight(o);
if (!spm_isMac('ie'))
//fixed - added + 'px'; for firefox support
o.style.top = this.t + 'px';
o.style.left = this.l + 'px';
if (bHidden)
o.style.display = "none";