News: JetBrains RubyMine 1.0.5 Available Now!

Good news! RubyMine 1.0.5 is now available, offering some new features and improvements:

More good news! RubyMine 1.1 will be released before the end of May with more improvements in Rails 2.3 and Cucumber support.

Haven’t tried RubyMine yet? Download the latest version of RubyMine here: and evaluate it free for 30 days.

We’re very interested to hear about your RubyMine experience and any feedback Is greatly appreciated. For discussing RubyMine the forum is available at

We also regularly post some interesting stuff about RubyMine on our blog at

And you can always contact us at

Best regards,

JetBrains RubyMine Team
Develop with pleasure!

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