[The Human Factor] Score = 42 to 6 ... oops, make that 42 to 2

I lost! We lost! Who won? spammers! (I refuse to capitalize them).

Noise = 42. Signal = 2. That's a 0.0476 signal-to-noise ratio, folks!

Can't we all really get serious about spam? Today, a web mail box I use (I thought) for technical information had 42 bulk mail messages and 6 inbox messages, of which four definitely should have been in the bulk mail. The bulk mail has been sufficiently offensive that I don't even want to check that folder to see if anything worth reading went in there accidentally -- I just click "Empty."

I'm absolutely certain I'm not the only techie who is losing the email game that badly. This is partly why I'm reading feeds now instead of email lists; but, it really, really irks me to lose to the kinds of lowlife creeps who think spamming is fun or profitable.


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