[Languages] The Tao of Xen

Now, this is really interesting. It appears that Microsoft, via Microsoft Research, is working on another new language, currently titled “Xen” (maybe X# some day?). Microsoft Expands .Net With Xen, an article in ExtremeTech, gives a summary of the idea and cites Microsoft Research Looks to Extend C#, a Microsoft Watch article that adds a little more detail. It appears that the definitive exposition at this moment is Erik Meijer's Programming with Circles, Triangles and Rectangles.

Aha! Is that a cat I see leaping out of the bag?! Meijer's past is mixed inextricably with such languages as Mondrian, Haskell, and XMLambda! Go, Eric! Nuff' said!

Microsoft has not yet publically released any attempt at a Xen compiler. In theory, Xen will "include the entirety of the C# language" and will “add native support for XML and SQL.” Microsoft has not publicly stated any plans for licensing.

Will Xen ever emerge from the ivory tower? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm still dreaming that something useful will come of ASML!

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