Independent Microsoft Technical Evangelist?

Hi, my name is Kenny Kerr and I am an Independent Microsoft Technical Evangelist.

Unlike Jeff I don’t actually work for Microsoft. I do however love technology, in particular Microsoft technology, and promote it in various ways including through my community involvement, answering questions on developer forums, writing articles for MSDN, articles on this blog, and in an upcoming book that I am writing for Addison Wesley on Visual C++. I am probably most well known (I’m just guessing here) for my writings on Visual C++, in particular my article introducing C++/CLI. I have however started noticing that a number of folks in the industry naturally assume that I actually work for Microsoft. This may be compounded by the fact that Microsoft even seems to think that I work for Microsoft.

Anyway, this is not the case and I thought I should clear that up.

I actually interviewed for a PM position on the Visual C++ team a few years back (has it been that long?!) that went really well but there was some complication with H1B visas (I live in British Columbia). Perhaps I should give Gretchen a call.


I actually made up the term “Independent Microsoft Technical Evangelist” as a joke while introducing myself in a meeting I had with some of the PMs and architects on the Microsoft Virtual Server team a while back as part of my day job…

© 2005 Kenny Kerr

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