Looking Back At 2006

I can't believe I can already say that 2006 is behind us. 2006 involved a lot more writing and some new tools. Let's take a quick look.


Here are some of the more popular and/or meaningful articles I posted on my blog in 2006:

Increment differences in C++ and C#

The Linq between C# and C++

Attributes That Do Nothing

I also started publishing a popular series of articles on my blog titled Windows Vista for Developers:

Part 1: Aero Wizards

Part 2: Task Dialogs in Depth

Part 3: The Desktop Window Manager

Part 4: User Account Control

Part 5: Getting Started With Server Core

Part 6: The New File Dialogs 

I hope to continue with this series in 2007.

And of course there was that "politically incorrect" post:

The Christ in Christmas


I also published a few more tools/updates:

Window Clippings 1.2 (full Vista support)

Known Folders Browser 1.0 (for Vista and beyond)


A few more of my articles were published in 2006:

Credential Management with the .NET Framework 2.0

Understanding Member Functions in Visual C++ 2005

Visual C++ 2005 under the Hood

Best Practices for Writing Efficient and Reliable Code with C++/CLI

Beyond WinFX: Transactions, Aero Wizards, and Task Dialogs In Windows Vista


It looks like 2007 will bring a lot of change for my family and I, but I'll talk more about that when the time comes.

Here's to a great year to you all – thanks for reading.

© 2007 Kenny Kerr

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