Logo for HTML5

The World Wide Web Consortium (WC3) today introduced a new logo for HTML5, which it hopes will help promote the emerging Web standard.


What’s HTML5?
HTML5 is the next major revision of the HTML standard for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. HTML5 adds new elements for things like sections of a document and articles, and figures and captions for figures.

Why HTML5?
Web Developers are commonly asked to create applications which stream videos, display fluid animations, play music etc. In many cases if one wanted to achieve all of these things you had to leverage on a number of different technologies like Flash, Silverlight, etc. This requirement to learn new languages and plug-in can increase the development time. HTML5 changes this – with support for high-quality animation, video and audio embedding as well as many other types of rich content.
There are a few exciting new elements in HTML 5:

  •   <canvas> - an element to give you a drawing space in JavaScript on your Web pages. It can let you add images or graphs to tool tips or just create dyanmic graphs on your Web pages, built on the fly.
  •  <video> - add video to your Web pages with this simple tag.
  •   <audio> - add sound to your Web pages with this simple tag.   
Here's a full list of new HTML5 features http://webdesign.about.com/od/html5/a/html_5_whats_new.htm

Browser support for HTML5:

Each browser has its own rules and characteristics and each one is adopting HTML5 at its own rate.  Here is a good browser compatibility chart for HTML5 (From http://www.focus.com/images/view/11905/ )


HTML5 Browser support 

Another comparsion: http://www.findmebyip.com/litmus/

HTML5 Support in Visual Studio 2010:

Install this tool from Microsoft Gallery for HTML 5 Intellisense


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