Wanna Sneak Peak?
So if you're reading this, you're obviously wanting a sneak peak... well its more of a press release (even though I'm not press) in a way. Right... the sneak peek...so you're wondering, what does Matt have in store? Well, how about a new control added to the eWorld.UI Control Set! WHOA! Another one? Yes, another one...its called the AccordionPanel, which is a subclass of my popular CollapsablePanel control.
But Matt!?!? What so special about the AccordianPanel (AP)? Well, the AP allows you to have 1-N number of CollapsablePanel controls, in which if another AP control is expanded, and you expand another AP, all other AP's in a group are collapsed. But, whats the big deal...well it can make a really cool menu system, similar to that of GotDotNet or, it may even remind you of Outlooks sidebar, that is if you set it up properly.
The only thing is, its not available just yet. I'm currently working on v1.9 of my control set, which will include the AP control, and a ton of updates to my CollapsablePanel control. Not to mention my never ending expanding of the CalendarPopup. So, I guess the only sneek peak you'll get is if you become a Beta Tester, but don't fret... my beta versions are usually released publically around 2 weeks after a beta release. So, until later...