Speaking at SQL Saturday 594 in Edmonton - Agile Analytics - BI builds and deployments using VSTS

Hey, I'll be in Edmonton on April 22, at the SQL Saturday #594 event.

I'll be speaking on using Visual Studio Team Services build and release systems to automate builds and deployments of BI artifacts.

So, if you currently manually deploy databases, reports, tabular or multidimensional Analysis Services models (cubes), you likely find it either error-prone or highly regimented and with a ton of ceremony.

You can be much more agile and confident in your deployments if you automate them. They become repeatable (by definition) and reliable. Also, when you use source code version control, you gain much better historical insight and change control without imposing significant additional work.

I may stand on my soapbox and shout about the benefits of automated deployments and source code control and such, but I really want to focus on the "how to" so you can take this back to your workplace and implement it and realize the benefits yourselves!

There are three tracks of great speakers all day, and the price is right! (It's free!) Register here.

I hope to see you there!


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