Using an XmlPublisher in the ExceptionManagement ApplicationBlock

I've been using the Microsoft ExceptionManagement ApplicationBlock and I spent some time creating a nice ExceptionXmlPublisher because the one described in the docs has some flaws. Using the xml publisher removes the need to run the EventLog installer to be able to create the eventlog. Having the exceptions in Xml also works nicely in a distributed environment, and with continous integration. I will soon create an XSLT stylesheet to integrate the current runtime exceptions into my CruiseControl.NET dashboard, so developers can monitor what's going on during execution on the development testserver.

Basically my edition (in my new CodeSnippets section) appends exceptions and encapsulates the stacktrace elements in CDATA tags. I chose to add this class to the Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.ExceptionManagement namespace and recompile the Application block. You might want to keep it in your own domain in case of version upgrades on the application block.

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