Difference between Sharepoint News & Listing?

I have embarked on the quest of figuring out all the namespoofing in Sharepoint Portal Server 2003. Microsoft should really have released the document "Developers.. This is what all that Sharepoint stuff it REALLY is".

Todays experiment was to figure out the difference between the terms

  • "News" used in News Area Template (SPSNEWS directory) and added by clicking "Add news"
  • "Listing" used in, among others, the Community Area Template (SPSCOMMU directory) and added by clicking "Add listing"

I created a new Area Template as described in my article

Because I copied this template from the SPSNEWS directory the structure is identical to the News Area Template, so the "Add news" link appears in the left navbar. I wanted to have the "Add listing" aswell. I examined the default.aspx for the SPSCOMMU template, which contains the "Add listing" link. Here is the difference:

Within the SPSWC:ToolBar element the "Add listing" link looks like:

    <SPSWC:SubmitLinkToolBarButton runat="server"
     RequiredQueryStringParamsToInclude="CatID" />

Within the SPSWC:ToolBar element the "Add news" link looks like:

    <SPSWC:SubmitLinkToolBarButton runat="server"
     RequiredQueryStringParamsToInclude="CatID" />

From this it's clear that the two are the same with different labels. The "Mode=News" querystring only opens the possibility to add publishing dates to news items. In order to have them both on the same page I altered the ID (in red) and created a site based on my template. News and Listings appears in the same webparts, both can be directed towards audiences, but news can be time-limited.

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