Forcing a Postback using ASP.Net and JavaScript

I am in the process of putting together an article for how to write a relatively unique custom control. During its writing, I had to force a post back within some client-side javascript. It is a pretty handy piece of code so I thought I would share it with the world.

First, in my aspx code, I put in this piece of code for a div tag.

onmousedown="javascript: <%#getPostBack()%>;"

Next, I wrote the getPostBack piece of code.

protected string getPostBack()


   return this.Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "@@@@@buttonPostBack"");


The getPostBack() method is taking advantage of the GetPostBackEventReference .net method call that enables you to hijack the same client-side javascript postback code for your own use. The second parameter enables you to create a custom event argument that is unique to your own uses. You will need this event argument later...

Next, we need to modify the Page_Load() code in order to determine when a postback occurred.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)


       // this Is a postback, then we care

       if( this.IsPostBack )


              // determine who caused the post back

              string eventArg = Request[ "__EVENTARGUMENT" ];

              // if null ( could it ever be null? )

              if( eventArg != null )


                     // this post back can occur if we raise the event or if the Web Form itself raises the event.

                     // therefore, i always like to put something in the eventarg that lets me identify it as an event

                     // that i raised. i use @@@@@. but you can use whatever you like, just make sure it is unique. 


                     // i also like to make the ClientId part of the value if i am posting back within a user control or

                     // custom control. including the ClientId in a user or custom control enables me to programmatically

                     // determine which instance of the control executed the postback. again we do this because all postbacks

                     // for all instances of all controls on the page are being funneled through this one method.

                     int offset = eventArg.IndexOf( "@@@@@" );

                     if( offset > -1 )


                          // this is an event that we raised. so do whatever you need to here.





Hope this helps someone out in VirtualWorld. As always, comments and feedback are appreciated.


Composed with Newz Crawler 1.4


  • This is what the IPostBackEventHandler interface is for.

  • Hey... Can you show the whole thing? This isn't appearing for me in IE at least..


  • Excellent article. Just what I was looking for. Short sweet and easy to understand. Thank you.

  • Glad it helped.

    -Mahtew Nolton

  • As Mike, I also can't get it to work. The application compiles, but I don't get the event. (I put the onmousedown&quot;javascript:&lt;%#getPostBack()%&gt;;&quot; part in an &lt;area&gt; tag of a &lt;map&gt; , but clicking in the picture that uses the map didn't trigger a postback.

  • The Page_Load requires DataBind(); in order for the &quot;&lt;%#&quot; tag to work

  • This note was incredibly useful, and even the first reply was helpful and got me looking around on the MSDN site.

    I combined your technique for calling server-side code to generate the postback reference. Then I inherited tbe IPostbackEventHandler interface into my user control and used RaisePostBackEvent() and a custom event argument class containing the string passed to GetPostback() to create an OnClick() event with a useful argument. Having an OnClick() event was much cleaner to me than having to test in OnLoad().

  • thnx a lot! worked for me fine.

  • Hi, very good article!!!

    I want to do the same, but with Framework 1, but this function is new on Framework 2.0, any idea on how to do it? what function should I use?

    thanks in advance,


  • Hi. Thanks for the article. A very useful technique in a simple way to implement.
    Very Good one.


  • Would you mind to post a sample source code file ?

  • Thanks matt! I just used this with the ASP.NET menu control. Normally the menuItems just take a URL as place to navigate to, I couldn't get them to postback until I did your magic:

    ##the menu control is dynamically populated in the codebehind

    ##here's where the products are added in the recursive heirarchy loop


    MenuItem miProduct = new MenuItem();
    miProduct.Text = string.Format("{0}", p.shortDescription);

    string args = string.Format("@@@@@{0}|{1}",

    string javascript = ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(menu_catalogue, args);
    string link = string.Format("javascript:{0}",javascript);
    miProduct.NavigateUrl = link;


    ## and now the code that looks for the postback:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private void CheckForMenuItemProductClick()
    if (this.IsPostBack)
    string eventArg = Request["__EVENTARGUMENT"];
    if (eventArg != null)
    int offset = eventArg.IndexOf("@@@@@");

    if (offset > -1)
    string args = eventArg.Substring(5); //get rid of the @@@@@

  • I found that you must let the Page load code fire during each IsPostBack or the TextChanged event only fires once. .Net 1.1

  • Execellent !


  • I found using this on dotnet 3.5, it is easiest to do it like this:


  • This is not exactly the topic but I was looking for this for a while.

    If you want to initiate a post-back from the code-behind, simply do:

    this.Page_Load(this, null);

  • Please forget, what I just wrote... it does not work the way I thought...

  • Hi,

    I want to request a webpage in button click and want to dispaly response in UI. Then based on the response status I want to request the webpage again. I want to do it by using it possible.

    can any one help me on this..Thanks in advance..


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