Fixed pre-release for Exception Handling

I posted a pre-release version to the Google group, download the latest pre-release version here.

1) fixed the error object, it will now be used instead of res.value:

if(res.error != null) {
  alert("Message = " + res.error.Message);
  alert("Type = " + res.error.Type); // i.e. System.Exception

2) added the coreScript tag to web.config to create your own core.ashx:


You can use "~/scripts/mycore.js" for the application path or "/scripts/mycore.js" for the web server root path.

3) added the AjaxRequestQueue to the release version. You can put the following line after the Ajax.NET JavaScript includes to enable the request queue:

AjaxPro.queue = new AjaxRequestQueue();

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