EntryPoint not specified for manifest – VS 2008 SP1 (beta)
Just for your information if you have tried the .NET MF 3.0 beta 2 with Visual Studio 2008 and installed SP1 beta: when trying to compile a console or window application (library projects are ok) … more
.NET Micro Framework 3.0 Multi Targeting
The .NET Micro Framework 3.0 beta now enables developers to use Visual Studio 2008 for the current version 2.5 and the upcoming version 3.0. This was introduced for other .NET frameworks with Visual … more
Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 3.0 Beta Open
The Microsoft .NET MF team has opened the beta of .NET Micro Framework 3.0 right now. This beta includes following features (all planned features are available here: Opening the .NET MF 3.0 kimono): … more
Internet Explorer 8 and Maximum Concurrent Connections
As defined in 1999 (RFC 2616) “clients that use persistent connections should limit the number of simultaneous connections that they maintain to a given server. A single-user client SHOULD NOT … more
XBee and Converter Boards from Droids
Last weekend I have started to look at wireless communication for .NET Micro Framework devices. At Droids I found really cool boards for USB and serial connection, simple put the XBee module on the … more
Jan's Microsoft .NET Micro Framework Web Site Updated
Jan Kučera has updated his great Web site about Microsoft .NET Micro Framework If you want to know how to start you will find tutorials and further examples. Events and FAQ … more
Internet Explorer 8 Address Bar like Windows Vista
Yesterday I brought up the question if there could be a change to the address bar of the next version of Internet Explorer. Since I’m using Windows Vista I’m very happy with the new view of the path … more
Internet Explorer 8 Expert Chat Zone Resume
Internet Explorer 8 is in beta and we're able to improve features that we need. Last week I sent a short message to the Microsoft DPE here in Germany with some comments what I like more in Firefox 3 … more
Silverlight 2 Beta 2 Update - kb955011
Since yesterday there is an update available for Silverlight 2. This update improves stability, media streaming, and the auto-update component. This update also improves support for Firefox 3. … more
Windows Internet Explorer 8 Expert Chat Zone
If you didn't remember: tomorrow is IE 8 (beta) chat time: "Please join experts from the Internet Explorer team in a chat around the Internet Explorer 8 Beta. These chats are a great … more
Using a Touch Screen with .NET Micro Framework 2.5
Touch screen support is announced for the next version of the .NET Micro Framework which will arrive end of this year. There are some companies already adding touch screen support for devices that … more
Connecting XBee module to Tahoe
Pavel Bánský explains how he did connect the Digi XBee module to the Tahoe development board: "XBee module is very sophisticated device controlled over serial link. It can operate … more
Low Cost Hardware Platform for .NET Micro Framework - USBizi
GHI Electronics (known from the great Embedded Master™ module) have announced the USBizi module for the .NET Micro Framework. The module is really small and costs only $99 for a single unit. As … more
Accelerometer based Remote Control for Container Terminal using the .NET Micro Framework
Another great article on remote control using the .NET Micro Framework and the Tahoe 3D accelerometer I found on Jens blog. "The Center for Software Innovation has evaluated accelerometer … more
.NET Micro Framework and Robotic Vehicle
Pavel has some great posts on his blog about robotic vehicles using the .NET Micro Framework. "When I was invited to TechEd North America 2008, I didn't want to go with "bare hands" … more
Data Acquisition in .NET Micro Framework 2.0 using SPI
Carlo Mendoza is modifying the i.MXS board for SPI: "The board had a few missing 0Ω resistors, and had to be addressed. Figure 1 was obtained from the schematics included in the CD ( … more
GHI Electronics with Touch Screen Support
Embedded Master Module is adding support for TFT LCDs on their .NET Micro Framework device. The new version is based on LPC2478 processor with built in LCD controller. The module includes a 0.5mm 4 … more
Emtrion Starter-Kit HiCO.ARM9 (AT91RM9200) .NET Micro Framework
Emtrion offers a .NET Micro Framework starter kit with an HiCO.ARM9 (AT91RM9200). The latest firmware updates adds support for ethernet as well as support for the TFT touch screen display. … more
Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant (Firefox browser extension)
Today I have installed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and noticed that it adds a Firefox add-on called Microsoft .NET Framework Assistant. This browser extension adds ClickOnce installation support … more