Silverlight Web Site Updated

Tags: .NET, Silverlight, UI

You may have noticed that the Silverlight web site at has been updated. Well, I looks nicer than before, I like it. The system requirements are available here.


For those of you that are trying to watch the virtual launch event (Heroes Happen Here) of Visual Studio 2008, SQL Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 at if you have installed the Silverlight 1.1 alpha plugin you get an JavaScript error. The developers are working on that, but it seems that it doesn't work only on 1.1. The Silverlight 1.0 and 2.0 beta is working fine. Your solution could be to uninstall Silverlight 1.1 alpha and install the 1.0 again. The 2.0 beta will be available next month.

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