GetUser Methods for Entity Framework MVC3 Razor Custom Member Provider C# Using LINQ

From my C# MVC3 Razor Custom Membership Provider article and source code, here is the code for the GetUser methods. I welcome any suggestions for improvement.
public override MembershipUser GetUser(object providerUserKey, bool userIsOnline)
    using (var context = new SSSEntities())
        UserProfile u = context.UserProfiles
                    .SingleOrDefault(up => up.UserId == Convert.ToInt32(providerUserKey));
        MembershipUser membershipUser = GetMembershipUser(u);
        return membershipUser;
public override MembershipUser GetUser(string username, bool userIsOnline)
    using (var context = new SSSEntities())
        UserProfile u = context.UserProfiles
            .SingleOrDefault(up => up.UserName == username);
        MembershipUser membershipUser = GetMembershipUser(u);
        return membershipUser;
// custom method to return a UserProfile
public UserProfile GetUser(string username)
    using (var context = new SSSEntities())
        UserProfile u = context.UserProfiles
            .SingleOrDefault(up => up.UserName == username);
        return u;
// custom method to return a UserProfile
public UserProfile GetUser(object providerUserKey)
    using (var context = new SSSEntities())
        UserProfile u = context.UserProfiles
                    .SingleOrDefault(up => up.UserId == Convert.ToInt32(providerUserKey));
        return u;


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