Nawaf's Blog
When you do something, you should burn yourself completely, like a good bonfire, leaving no trace of yourself -Shunryu Suzuki
Does Web Services Message Provide Reliability?
Web Service uses HTTP protocol as a communication channel, HTTP also uses TCP/IP protocol. The whole purpose of TCP is to be able to transfer data reliably and so it employs acknowledgements and sliding window mechanisms to guarantee the delivery of the data. That’s said; does Web Service Message provide reliability? You will find my answer to this question in this article
Simple JavaScript Debugger using jQuery
For the last four months I have been working with two great guys to establish our own IT company. Since I was in college I was dreaming to establish my own company. Having an IT company and talk about technologies always fascinate me. I made several attempts and worked in several companies. Now I have Sketch :) -
Display a Nice Error Popup Window - Extended
Last time I blogged about how to display a nice error message to the user using only one line of declarative code. Today I want to show you how to extend that. Usually when you develop a Website you need to deal with exception either system or application specific exceptions. Pattern & Practices team have already provided us with a great exception handling application block which is part of Enterprise Library. I’m not going to write my own here, but rather integrate the Error Pop window with theirs.
Display a Nice Error Popup Window
I always hated web sites that show Javascript alert message to tell the user about an error. Doing so make me feel that I'm in front of desktop application and not a web app. May be the alternative is to have an error page where you redirect the user in case of any error. This definitely works fine, but sometimes it bugs me when I get redirected to that error page just because my credit card number is wrong. Of course we can use the validation controls as a standard or with AJAX support to handle that.
SyntaxHighlighter Plug-in for Tinymce 3.X WYSIWYG Editor
SyntaxHighlighter Plug-in for Tinymce 3.X is ready now. I don’t know why tinymce development team had to change the way of writing plug-in for the tinymce, they say it’s more modular. What bothered me really is that there is no backward compatibility. That’s you must upgrade (Actually it’s rather migrate) your plug-in to the new way.
Anyway, I have upgraded the plug-in I talked about here, to work on tinymce 3.x. To get it running on your site please use the attached file in this post and follow the same instructions on this blog entry. -
SyntaxHighlighter Plugin for Tinymce WYSIWYG Editor
SyntaxHighlighter is an incredible code syntax highlighting tool. It's 100% Java Script based and it doesn't care what you have on your server. I believe any IT blog should have it. I needed to use this tool in my site, I use tinymce WYSIWYG, so I said this tool must work on tinymce.
Run CMD / Java application using C#
Few days ago I needed to write a piece of code to call ANT file that builds some java files using the following CMD command ant –f build.xml. The process is rather straight forward task. Use System.Diagnostics.Process that’s all, Easy.
Oracle to buy BEA for $8.5 billion – How .NET community perceives that - Updated
Today BEA Corporation announced that Oracle acquired the company's shares for $8.5 billion. That's a big money. BEA makes middleware applications. Weblogic Server is its strongest mainstream product. Aqualogic BPM (ESB) comes second which supports .NET technology for interoperability and service bus aware applications.
NFA with Lambda Transition
This semester I have a course about Automata, Formal Languages and Computability. It didn’t sound a good course for me at the beginning, but I after a while, I wished if I had this course before I did Compiler course back when I was doing my BCs. It was so hard for me to build a scanner for the compiler, we have had knowledge before though about FSA, but I think I didn’t grasp the whole picture back then.