Using Subversion On Windows

I just successfully finished testing Subversion as a SCC provider, but I am going to uninstall it and continue using VSS. Not because there is some problem with subversion but as I am the only person working on the projects therefore Subversion is like a little overkill for me. So, I found the integrated VSS option as my preferred choice. Anyway, if you are working in a team or working over internet, try using Subversion before going to CVS/VSS. I am writing this article only to remind me later of the procedure that I used to install Subversion so that later I can get to it easily.

The first thing to do is to download SubVersion Windows binary and Tortoise SVN from this [1] website.

[1] (Don't forget to download free book on Subversion

There are other programs available on the above website to facilitate working with Subversion. After installing subversion and Tortoise SVN, you can do (almost) all the stuff using the windows explorer. At first, you need to create a code repository: You can either create separate code repositories for each project or a shared repository for all the projects. See this book for more discussion on these issues.

To create a new repository, create an empty directory and then "Right Click->Tortoise SVN->Create Repository here" to create a new repository. The path to repository is like


After creating a repository, go to the project folder and "Right Click->Tortoise SVN -> Import" to import the code directory into Subversion database. After importing, you can delete the code folder.

When you need to work on the project, make a working folder, right-click on it, then select "Right Click->Checkout" to check out code into the working folder.

If you are managing several projects in a single repository then create individual folders inside the repository first. for eg.


After doing this setup, you can use it as a normal SCC through the TortoiseSVN extension.


I'll try to post that I found related and interesting here.
The Top Ten Subversion Tips for CVS Users

Subversion and Eclipse

Using and hacking Subclipse - the Subversion plugin for Eclipse

Making the Jump to Subversion
cvs2svn is a Python script that converts a CVS repository to a Subversion repository. It is designed for one-time conversions, not for repeated synchronizations between CVS and Subversion.

HOWTO: Subversion for Windows with Apache server - a beginner's guide

Subversion: One Repository or Two?

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