Making Test a First Class Citizen
The aim of the project is to make Test a first class citizen inside Visual Studio.NET. Test should be as integrated and natural a part of your development environment as Build is today. Wherever you find a Build action you could also expect to find a Test action. For example there is an action to Run Tests in a Project or Solution. There is also an action to Run Test(s) on the code context menu. Which tests are run depend on whether you click inside a Test, TestFixture or Namespace. Obviously this doesn't correspond to Build (until we get Edit & Continue that is ;). The corresponding Build action will be performed before any tests are run (Test depends on Build).
I've based the Test integration as much as possible on Build. This means the Output and Task List will act in a similar way. The exceptions that a test may throw will be formatted in a way that makes them double clickable on in the Output window. Each failing test will also show up on the Task List. Double clicking on a Task will take you to the failing Assert or Exception source (or the nearest place with line number information).
The installer will add a 'Test Suite' type to the New Project wizard for C#, VB, J# and C++ projects. The required 'nunit.framework' assembly will be copied into the project's lib directory.
You can download the latest build here.