NCoverExplorer V1.3

If you thought The Debut version of NCoverExplorer was good, Grant Drake has made a bunch of updates in the v1.3 version that make it even better! There are two new functions in particular that I use all the time. They are "Expand Covered" and "Edit in VS.NET".

"Expand Covered" automatically expands all nodes in the tree that are likely to be of interest. This is particularly useful if you are using code coverage on a subset of your tests. It is usually the first thing I do when NCoverExplorer opens.

"Edit in VS.NET" allows quick navigation between NCoverExplorer and your Visual Studio code. This function is available on all of NCoverExplorers context menus (code view, tree view and visit pane).

There are lots of other improvements. Assemblies now show up as nodes in the tree view (allowing you to focus on the assembly you're testing). The open NCoverExplorer application is reused by Visual Studio (no need to keep closing it). For a full list of changes see the release notes.

We have been very successfully trialing FogBugz for our bug and feature tracking. If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please submit them here (for the next 40 days). If you're interested in code coverage, please subscribe to Grant's blog. You can download the latest version of NCoverExplorer (packaged with TestDriven.NET) here

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