The Alternative Podcast List

Earlier today I noticed a new post on Scott Hanselmans blog, where he lists potential technical podcasts for .Net developers and asks other to put up their lists.

Now, most of the ones on his list are pretty much the same as I subscribe to, but having quite an interest in non .Net web development and RIA etc. I do have a couple he’s not mentioning.

I figured I’ll just add the ones which are a bit different from the ones mentioned on Scots' list.

  • Pixel8ed
    This is a podcast by Craig Shoemaker, who also does the Polymorphic podcast, where the Polymorphic podcast is aimed at general programming and .Net concepts. Pixel8ed is focused on UX and related ideas and areas.
  • RIA Weekly
    A podcast dedicated to news in the RIA space. Even though the podcast is sponsored by Adobe and one of the hosts is Ryan Stewart, a platform evangelist for Adobe, they do a pretty decent job of covering news across the board, not just Adobe specific things.
  • Boagworld
    ”A podcast for those who design, develop or run websites”, a podcast mainly about web design but also covering thing like accessibility and web standards.

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