C# Training using 4994 Microsoft Courseware

This was my first time teaching the 4994 Microsoft courseware at [itt].  The course is an introduction to programming using either C# or VB.  At Interface, we teach it exclusive to the language.  This week I had a full house of developers, and we tackled the C# language together.  Of course, I deviated from the outline and introduced the class more like "Introduction to C# using ASP.NET".  Even though the courseware favored Windows development, it has been my experience that most developers coming in for .NET training actually move into ASP.NET programming.  At the end of the week, my group was able to write C# code, create web sites & pages, talk to SQL Server, and know use Visual Studio effectively.

Thanks to everyone in my class this week!  As promised, the class samples are referenced below.  I will see some of you soon in our advanced C# class and/or advanced ASP.NET class.

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