Excellent Customer Service
When I arrived at The Venetian last night, the MIX 06 registration team asked for my ID. I presented my driver's license and went on my way. Later in the evening, the attendees were invited to socialize at Tao, which required photo identification. It was at that moment I realized I no longer had my driver's license. So I ran up to the registration booth and was confronted by two security gentleman who told me to go check at guest services. I went to guest services and they did not have my ID. I went back to the registration booth and asked the security guys to check for my ID. After a little checking, another security person emerged and said they had located my ID and it was on the way. Apparently, I was 5 minutes ahead of the staff at each checkpoint. Eventually the Microsoft & Venetian staff members arrived to hand me my license.
Upon reflecting on whole situation, I was very impressed that the staff went through so much effort to reach me. I thought I should blog about it and give Microsoft and The Venetian staff a thumbs up for going beyond the call of duty!