New GTD Category: @Radar

david-allen-me I am a big fan of David Allen's GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology.  Lately I have been struggling with some of the recommended categories for certain items that land in my "inbox".  Examples of context related categories are @Project, @WaitingFor, @Computer, @Agenda, @Errands, @Call, and so on.  Lately, I have wanted to keep track of certain items, without making them actionable.  This seems to contradict the point of GTD.  Yet there are times when I simply want to recall a topic or situation to mind without making it a project, something I am waiting on, or something I am required to do anything about.  I needed something that would keep a matter in front of me, but not require me to do anything about it.  Thus, I propose a new category to the GTD community: @Radar.

With @Radar, you are not deferring an actionable thing.  The nature of the category simply suggests one thing - don't forget about this. 

For example, what if a colleague casually mentioned to you that he was going to be involved in a cool project - but a project with no direct impact on you.  Having said that, you are curious about the project, and do not want to forget about it.   And because you are not likely to get updates on the project, it may fade from memory.  How would you manage that "thought" in your inbox?  It is not @Project, because there is no immediate "next action".  It should not be an @Agenda, because you may run into this person frequently, but it is not required to continually ask about the status of the project.  It is not a Someday/Maybe list item, because it is not a matter I plan on making a project in the future.  Alas, @Radar seems to be a perfect fit.

For any GTD enthusiasts out there, what is your opinion?

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