Writing Technical Content
I just read a blog post from Jeff Putz on "Why you should (or shouldn't) write a programming book".
From my own experience, I can instantly provide one reason you may *not* want to write a technical book - to make money directly. Oh you can make some money, but you can make much more money using the same time & energy on development projects or contracts.
Has authoring books helped me make money indirectly? I have to believe it has had an impact. But could I be in the same place professionally now if I never authored any books at all? I don't know.
With that said, would I write another book? As Jeff mentioned in his blog post, it depends on motivation. I would only write (or co-author) another technical book if I was very passionate about the subject material. Since the time investment needed to write good material is strong, I would only do so if deadlines were realistic. Of course, I would need to make a decent amount of money.
Some authors have what appears to be natural ability to crank (good) content out in an efficient amount of time. Dan Wahlin is a great example of someone highly self-disciplined with regard to technical writing. I have seen Dan in action, and his speed to getting tough topics written in a short amount of time is highly impressive. I suppose that is the other motivation... the more you write, the more likely you will write better and faster.
With a potential writing opportunity on my desk, I want to thank Jeff for getting me to evaluate the question in more depth.