No one is switching to the Mac
Article from The Mercury News :
" It has been a year, and the masses aren't switching to Macs.
Last summer, Apple Computer began airing the TV commercials that were supposed to chip away at Microsoft's empire and sell more of its underdog Mac computers. There was the girl who switched to a Mac after her Windows computer ate her homework, the daughter who used her Apple laptop to rescue digital photos on Christmas.
With a year's worth of sales numbers under their belts, three major market research firms show roughly the same thing -- Cupertino-based Apple is holding its ground, but the only PC company attracting a lot of switchers is Dell Computer.
The numbers should give the Dell dude something to cheer about. Research firms Gartner Dataquest and IDC show Dell climbing from about 15 percent of the worldwide PC market last summer to 17 percent this spring. Hewlett-Packard was a close second with about 16 percent. Apple stayed between 2 percent and 3 percent. Overall, manufacturers shipped about 133 million PCs in 2002.