Apple lost the plot
So the WWDC was full of promises (new Ipod, new Imac G5, etc...).
Well all this is finally vaporware ! Welcome to the new ...30" screen !?!?
What the hell is going on with Steve Jobs ? I used to be a Mac fanatic a long time ago. I own an Ipod, but there man I am lost.
Who's going to pay $3,299 for a screen + $599 for the graphic card(yes you need a special one) + few bucks for a good opticians( at this resolution you surely go blind) + some good tip for the delivery boy (I believe this beast is heavy).
Apple used to be the 'poor' company against the 'riches', the Mac being the Volkswagen of the computer age.
The only thing is Tiger, another feline in the Apple circus. Well there again more like a cat than a roaring lion.
Well there, Steve you deserve zero for this.
<note>No need to flame me if you are a zealous Apple fanatic, as I said I was part of the family too, not anymore, and this is just my personal opinion</note>