Generating Forms
Jorge wrote :
Have you looked into storing the metadata in arrays, or xml, or whatever and then looping through the data and generating the controls at run-time?
I did this quite a bit in ASP and ASP.NET, although just spitting out HTML rather than generation asp: controls for the latter. If you need asp: controls, there are methods to generate these dynamically. (I don't know them off-hand, perhaps someone else can comment).
This also makes changing your layout a lot easier.
The problem here unfortunatly is as usual a very short time allocated to the project and kinf of 'guess what I want' and do it !
Well it's probably developer's fate and we have to live with this.
But somebody has some examples or links how to implement Jorge solutions, I talk about the XML metadatas, let me know.
Jorge, when you talk about building dynamically the controls, I did it before. But it's not really a solution for hundreds of controls, the server time processing is so precious !
And sadly, .Net don't keep the controls, you have to rebuild them all in Postback.
Finally, because of the huge amount of data, I divided the form in many Tabs, and this add also to the vast amount of debugging I had to do.