ASP.Net 2.0 Guerilla session

I launch a new idea and I hope it will works. I am going to put 10 members of Ireland .Net Developers Alliance user group in a room sometime in December for about 3 to 4 hours building a website (not to be released !) following a basic scenario.

What I want to get from that is a better idea on .Net 2.0. What we like and what we dislike. We will send our feedback to Microsoft Redmond, I will surely blog about this and see what answers we can get from there.

I am not sure if we can get a beta 2 (I can dream :-)) but I will try to include some SQL 2005 tests too.

So if you are interested (you need a laptop) and in Dublin let me know. Maybe some other user groups would like to do the same ?


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