dScribe CMS project: the Status class

In a good CMS you need to have a good idea about the life of your content through the different steps.

This is done with a Status attached to the piece of content. So to do so in dScribe, I wrote this class, and I can easily manage from any part of my code the Status properties.

I am also thinking about Enums for a next version but this one (in VB) works well:


Imports System

Namespace dScribe

Public Class StatusCodes
Public Sub New()
End Sub

Public Const None As Integer = &H0
Public Const Creating As Integer = &H1
Public Const AwaitingEdit As Integer = &H2
Public Const RequiresUpdate As Integer = &H10001
Public Const Editing As Integer = &H4
Public Const AwaitingApproval As Integer = &H8
Public Const RequiresEditing As Integer = &H10004
Public Const Approving As Integer = &H10
Public Const Approved As Integer = &H20
Public Const Deployed As Integer = &H40
Public Const Archived As Integer = &H80
Public Const Discontinued As Integer = &H100000

Public Overloads Shared Function ToString(ByVal val As IntegerAs String
Select Case val
  Case Creating
    Return "Creating"
  Case AwaitingEdit
    Return "Awaiting Edit"
  Case RequiresUpdate
    Return "Requires Update"
  Case Editing
    Return "Editing"
  Case AwaitingApproval
    Return "Awaiting Approval"
  Case RequiresEditing
    Return "Requires Editing"
  Case Approving
    Return "Approving"
  Case Approved
    Return "Approved"
  Case Deployed
    Return "Deployed"
  Case Archived
    Return "Archived"
  Case Discontinued
    Return "Discontinued"
  Case Else
    Return "None"
End Select
End Function

Public Shared Function isCreating(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& Creating= Creating
End Function
Public Shared Function isAwaitingEdit(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& AwaitingEdit= AwaitingEdit
End Function
Public Shared Function isRequiresUpdate(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& RequiresUpdate= RequiresUpdate
End Function
Public Shared Function isEditing(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& Editing= Editing
End Function
Public Shared Function isAwaitingApproval(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& AwaitingApproval= AwaitingApproval
End Function
Public Shared Function isRequiresEditing(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& RequiresEditing= RequiresEditing
End Function
Public Shared Function isApproving(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& Approving= Approving
End Function
Public Shared Function isApproved(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& Approved= Approved
End Function
Public Shared Function isDeployed(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& Deployed= Deployed
End Function
Public Shared Function isArchived(ByVal val As StringAs Boolean
Return (Convert.ToInt32(val& Archived= Archived
End Function
End Class
End Namespace

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