Nasty bug !

I start on a bad day today, with a nasty bug I can't figure out what's wrong.
I loop through a series of controls using Typeof to populate a form with different values from the database.
The control (D2) is embedded in another control D. This code is from my mainpage where I populate the forms.
PageD2ctl is declared as a Panel, child of D2.

The problem is that when the control is a Radiobutton, and I am sure it is(just checked in debug mode), my code enter correctly in the test, but it's going also in the Checkbox test, like suddenly my Radiobutton is now typed as a Checkbox.

I spent sometime on that, but absolutly no clue about what's going on. I tried everything, transforming my nice ElseIf in If then loop, nothing at all.
If anyone has an idea ?
 Dim MyCtl2 As Control
                    For Each MyCtl2 In PageD2ctl.controls
                        If Not (TypeOf MyCtl2 Is LiteralControl) Then
                            If MyCtl2.ID = dtr("id_q") Then
                                If TypeOf MyCtl2 Is TextBox Then
                                    Dim ThisTextbox As TextBox = CType(PageD2ctl.findcontrol(dtr("id_q")), TextBox)
                                    ThisTextbox.Text = dtr("answer")
                                Elseif TypeOf MyCtl2 Is RadioButton Then
                                    Dim ThisRadiobox As RadioButton = CType(PageD2ctl.findcontrol(dtr("id_q")), RadioButton)
                                    If LCase(dtr("answer")) = "true" Then
                                        ThisRadiobox.Checked = True
                                    End If
'-- and there after succesfully finish the previous test if it's a radiobutton the code enter in the Checkbox one !

                                ElseIf TypeOf MyCtl2 Is CheckBox Then
                                    Dim ThisCheckbox As CheckBox = CType(PageD2ctl.findcontrol(dtr("id_q")), CheckBox)
                                    If LCase(dtr("answer")) = "true" Then
                                        ThisCheckbox.Checked = True
                                    End If
                                End if

                         End If
                       End if
I found this solution that I share now:

This confirms (for me) that something wrong there with the Controls.

Instead of using an Elseif structure, I write a Select..Case structure like this (Myctl is the ontrol to test):

select case lcase(Myctl.gettype.tostring)
case "system.web.ui.webcontrols.textbox"
.. Mycode
case "system.web.ui.webcontrols.radiobutton"
.. MyCode
case "system.web.ui.webcontrols.checkbox"
.. Mycode
end select