Compact flash and other memory recovery
I have a compact flash 64 Mb and for an unknown reason appeared suddenly empty on my PocketPC. So unable to fix myself the problem, I was really annoyed, thinking that this type of memory is reliable.
So I did a usual tour on the web, and I said to myself why not trying this company, with all the fears that it could be another opportunistic bunch of guys in their garage building another bad website to attract gullible customers.
Of course on my compact flash I stored all my precious password and different servers access, without any recent backup. I am sure that everybody has been facing this problem once. And more important, some precious holidays pictures !
So after paying something like 60 pounds sterling, and after waiting only 6 days, my precious memory card came back today attached with a CD, and good surprise, everything has been restored, well as clusters folders, but I am happy, all the data I need is there.
Conclusion: never trust anything in memory technology, including the so-known reliable one !