OutPost: PostBack Over XmlHttp
From Troels:
What makes OutPost unique?
OutPost is a new angle on AJAX. Other AJAX frameworks use specifically tailored Web Services that you have to write yourself to return the data you need. And none of the frameworks fully support the benefits of the ASP.NET Framework. With AJAX you have to re-think and re-write your code.
Unique advantages of OutPost
- A single .js include file is enough for OutPost.
- OutPost converts any ASP.NET WebForm into an AJAXed WebForm without any modifications to the code.
- It has cross-browser support built-in.
- The postbacks are 100% real and server-side events are triggered, as you'd expect them to trigger.
- Multiple server-side WebForms (.aspx-pages) are supported side by side on the same page.
- Excess traffic between client and server is eliminated (the view-state stays on the server and only the modified HTML is sent back to the client).
- A lightweight JavaScript client-framework makes it possible to add, remove and postback WebForms by script.
Other OutPost features
- Output caching is supported on WebForm-level.
- Unicode characters are supported.
- A WebForm has its own Session.
- No custom controls are needed.
- Main pages and WebForms can be designed in VS.NET.