Be a speaker for INDA and get a chance to win an Xbox 360!
In order to support the growing demand for .NET user group events in Ireland, we need more speakers to talk about .NET topics. This year, Microsoft's Developer and Platform group will be putting in place a program to help encourage people to get involved.
So, what do you have to do?
Volunteer to give a talk to a user group on a given topic (either on a technical subject, or on your experience with any of Microsoft's products). If the user group take you up on your offer, they can then nominate you for the Speaker Bureau below...
The INETA speaker bureau for Ireland and Northern Ireland
- Access to 'Train the Trainer' materials, specific to your area of interest, that MS technical staff use to keep up-to-date on all the latest technical info.
- Access to presentation training - Microsoft will be making available a session of presentation training for folks who want to brush up on their presentation skills (though currently you will have to travel to Dublin for this).
- Incentives for doing multiple talks - we don't have details yet, but there will be prizes given to folks who present to a given number of INETA event attendees. Extra 'points' will be given to folks willing to travel to regional venues. Clare Dillon Microsoft Ireland, is working with the Xbox 360 team to see if they will provide some of the prizes for this promotion!!
If you are interested submit your project at
Next INDA meetings:
- 7 Feb Dublin: .Net Debugging tracing and instrumentation by Duncan Jones
Register here: