New Wiki One: DottextWiki

From Scott Watermasysk:

Once I get 0.95 officially up and running on my server, I will probably do away with the .Text blog. The new version of .Text has much better category and syndication support, which I think will eliminate the need to for two separate blogs.

However, I do want to start publicly documenting and explaining the code a bit more. Specific articles on the providers and a couple of other items will show up on this blog (or another website or two in the next couple of months). But for general details, I wanted something bigger than just what I had time to write. Currently .Text does have a forum on the ASP.NET Forums (here), which is great for questions and answers, but not ideal for true “documenting”.

Which leads me to the reason for the post :), the new .Text Wiki which can be found here:


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