[dScribe] Update 1.02

Following the launch of the Beta yesterday, I just fixed today some important bugs.

I also did a full test from scratch: writing the content to the pages deployment (the example is in the database) on a current project I have SAFT (Safety Internet for Schools) and everything works fine.

That's not mean the job is finish, not at all ;-)

I would like to know if you find some other bugs in this new version Beta 1.02, so that I can continue to improve dScribe for the next version.

Now I have great hopes to have a full version 1.0 ready for January, not bad for a project started mid-October).

I am not a technical writer, so I try to improve my writing skills on the last articles by reading the recent articles posted by some gurus like Dino for example.
Oh ! I forgot to mention that the next version will include a full Setup procedures and a clean demo installation.

Some people asked me if I have a demo somewhere. Not yet but yes it's a good idea, and maybe sometime after the launch of the version 1.

By the way, I tried to have a look at Rainbow, as recommended by somebody (don't remember who ;-)) but hey no success. Installation too complicated or something wrong in thefiles I download but the SQL scripts diddn't worked at all.
Sure that everybody will be agree to notice that writing SQL scripts can be extremely difficult !


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