Use HTC within Mozilla!
Scott Galloway posted this and I think it's great news :
This comment to my moan about this is VERY cool:
I think I've solved your problem! I've successfully developed a Mozilla wrapper for Microsoft's HTC files. It is encapsulated in a single XBL binding, so is exremely portable.
The binding is small (4k) and contains compressed JavaScript code which loads the behavior and applies the interface. The interfaces of some objects have been extended to allow further cross-browser compatibility.
I've only just finished this development. So you are the first to here about it (apart from
a few bored friends). I would be delighted if you would take a look and feed back some comments.
For a full working demo (with no browser sniffing), go here:
there is some (scant) documentation here:
Dean Edwards
Had a quick play with this (I'm off work sick right now so I'm doing this in the few minutes between each extended sleep period), and it looks excellent. I also discovered a cross-browser rich text editor finally looks like it's becoming possible to support a full rich user experience no matter what browser you're using (there is no excuse so far as I'm concerned to be using Netscape 4.x now...)