Microsoft Linux champion ??
LOL ;-)))
Microsoft's interoperability efforts got a credibility boost when the latest version of Services for Unix earned a nomination for best integration solution at a major Linux show.
SFU 3.5, released on Thursday, is a finalist for the LinuxWorld Product Excellence Awards in the category of Best Integration Solution. Microsoft's competition in the category is BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1 from BEA Systems Inc. and Enj Ports from BISIL North America Inc.
And in the same time IBM see red ;-)
IBM Launches NT to Linux Migration Plan
1/19/04 — Microsoft is expected to pull the plug on support for Windows NT 4.0 Server by the end of 2004, and at least one vendor -- IBM Corp. -- smells blood.
At the Linux World event and expo in New York, IBM on Monday was announcing a new Windows NT to Linux migration program that it expects could entice as many as 1 million existing NT 4.0 customers to switch over to Linux.
IBM's new program is designed to address common Windows NT 4.0 usage scenarios, such as file and print serving, Web and application serving, security, systems and network management, collaboration and database applications. Not surprisingly -- this is IBM, after all -- the new program also prescribes a strong dose of Big Blue's key technologies, including the Lotus Notes/Domino messaging and collaboration platform, the DB2 Universal Database, and the Tivoli systems management application stack.
Source: EntMag