Popup with .Net (The finale)


Jesse you were right ! Why doing things complicated when you can make life so simple.

In my popup dilemna, I was doing the wrong thing, trying to fight against the client side opening window ;-)

Now it's cleverly good. I save the vote after the button event is fired and I open the popup window only after. so easy ;-)

Private Sub but_click_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles but_click.Click

' I do my databse update there ...

' And OI open the window just after

Dim MyScript As New StringBuilder

MyScript.Append(" ")

Page.RegisterStartupScript("opener", MyScript.tostring)

End Sub

But I will try later on the first solution (just for the fun) from Jesse.

Opening the window first and from a Javascript function in the popup fire the event in the caller page.

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