Welcome to the real world
... First, for Julia's group in Burlington Vermont where I did a presentation on "Architecture and Design for .NET", I was struck by the modest scale of the applications being built there. No 100-person IT departments: In fact, it seemed that many of the members were the entire IT department in their organization! And these weren't just mom & pop operations, but real industrial / distribution / retailing businesses. Mixed in with were a few CS types, including at least one university CS professor, but the feeling I came away with was of people who needed to get a lot done with very little in the way of resources. They were as excited about SharePoint as they were about VS.NET because it was that much more functionality they could leverage. ...
Keith Pleas
It's not really a surprise, well for us in Europe surely not ! Most of the companies now ask here to do almost everything linked to ICT, and rare are now teams with dedicated tasks, at least in standard enterprises, I mean not the software companies.
I am the witness of that, being working myself as a programmer, IT manager, database administrator, content editor, designer, etc....
And believe me, the total of my salary is not the addition of these roles ;-)
And also the issue is that all software companies are always proud to announce everywhere that they need less IT people because their product help to create faster applications.
A friend of mine, who's a real IT senior type of guy, was just made redundant by a so called big financial company.
They just say to him that they don't need anymore a permanent employee for the daily tasks, everything being setup and running perfectly without him !