An MVP who dislike Vista
Milan Negovan is an MVP and he clearly don't like Vista at all!
Well I don't really share all his comments (I am sure it's more about drivers and bios issues), my experience with Vista 64 bits has been good so far except few things:
- The Aero glass effect doesn't work with all software. I can live with that but it's quite annoying to see your screen going pitch black for a couple of seconds every time you launch one of those non-aero software. It's a pity because you lose also the coolest stuff that Aero provide like the 3d task switcher or the windows preview. I can't understand why Microsoft let this happens in a modern OS. After all an application runs in a window, and surely Vista should be strong enough to tell the software how to display the external surrounding and effects.
- On the 64 bits version, Vista create two Program files folder, one for the 64 bits and one for the 32 bits versions. This is plain silly, nowadays almost everything is 32 bits! And sadly if you install a 'classic' 32 bits software by default, be ready for troubles. Some software don't like at all the new Program files (x86) folder.
The best solution is to install in a custom folder outside the traditional Program Files one.
- I can't find a good 64 bits antivirus! This is a tricky one, but I use an application called Transcode 360 to push some videos to my Xbox 360. The only antivirus I know for Vista 64 bits is Avast, and it's unfortunatly not compatible at the moment with Transcode. For some reason, I can't have both running on the same machine.
- The freeze effect that Milan experienced using the sleep mode is surely because of some drivers issues. In my case, I can't use the sleep mode because of a couple of 'old' (4 years!) IDE drives. I think if you go the Vista route, you have to use only Sata drives.
- I have nothing agains UAC but I had to switch it off, too much hassle. But I agree it must be good security thing for a lambda user.
So far anyway Vista has been good with me and my PC, but I reckon I don't have a lot of software installed. It's also really fast and doesn't crash at all.
It's good to see that because you're an MVP doesn't stop you to express your opinions :-)