VS 2005 to VS 2003 Project converter

I can see some interesting stuff to do with this project converter

This article demonstrates how to convert a visual studio 2005 project to a compatible 2003 format. The motivation behind this article was twofold.  First, I wanted to compile in both NET v1.1 and NET v2.0 and secondly, I only wanted to maintain one project file, mainly vs2005. 

There is an open source project named MSBEE from the Microsoft team that works well to compile to .net 1.1 from a .net 2.0 project, but it doesn't support building within visual studio 2005, you have to go to a command line prompt and run msbuild.  You also will not get the same warnings, intellisense, etc in vs2005 as you would with vs2003.  That's a lot of the reason why the team didn't support building to .net 1.1 from within the ide. 

A solution I see a lot of floating around the internet is to maintain two project files.  One for both vs2003 and vs2005.  Although this works, it is cumbersome and difficult to maintain two identical project files when add, removes etc are preformed on the files in the project.  A lot of the reasons I wanted MSBEE to work from within the IDE so badly was to avoid having to maintain these two project files. 

So a long came the whidbey project converter.  Now I only maintain and work from within vs2005, and export my changes to the vs2003 format, bring up the everett ide and compile to .net 1.1 very easily, with debugging and intellisense support.  No more maintenance nightmares, and it all works so well, as opposed to a build hack from within vs2005.  A large portion of this code came from Jeff Key.  I couldn't get his original source to work, because he built it to the vs2005 beta1 release specifications.  I fixed it to work with the latest and greatest, and am sharing it here if it can be any help to you as well as it was for me.  "


1 Comment

  • I've actually written an additional MSBuild script on top of MSBee that makes it possible to build with .NET 1.1 from inside of VS 2005. And when you doing that you get the same warnings and errors as you would have got if you built the same project from inside VS2003. So that is actually not a problem. So the only thing you don't get is the intellisense ;)

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