Building an AJAX based chat room in ASP.NET

By Dahan Abdo, a basic chatroom but a good basis to start with.

" I built my first chat room using ASP 3.0. It was nothing more than two text boxes that sent messages to an application variable that gets put on the page when it refreshes every second. At that time, building a true chartroom required using a Java Applet or an ActiveX control. HTTP based chart rooms suffered from the same issues my basic chat room suffered from. These issues included constant page refreshes which causes an annoying flicker and sound. That has changed with the introduction of AJAX. AJAX is the combination of Asynchronous calls with JavaScript and XML. A true chat room could now be built using server side code with some JavaScript. This article is not an introduction to AJAX. It is assumed that you have a basic knowledge of using AJAX with ASP.NET. This article is an introduction to using AJAX techniques to create a basic chat room. "

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